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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Free Essays on Hospital Hospitalities
Hã'pital Hospitalities AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOCH!. Voir a fait thaaat hurrt ? Beseeched Imbã ©cile d'Infirmià ¨re dans child emphasize britannique poli. Les signes de rã ©volte à ©taient simplement à ©vidents sur le troisiã ¨me plancher(ã ©tage) de ce habitation la breath de sel de pin. Ces cris perã §ants horrifiants ont à ©tã © faits standard moi, depuis, je m'ã ©tais posã © en cette place en face de celui de ciel. J'ai eu horreur rester Detroit Riverview l'HÃ'pital parce qu'ils ont servi l'alimentation loathsome, leur faculty m'a traitã © avec la cruautã © absolue et la nã ©gligence et les rã ¨gles(autoritã ©s) et les rã ¨glements qui ont à ©tã © à ©tablis, à ©taient absolument absurde. L'alimentation d'hã'pital à ©tait sans aucun doute repulsive. Un de leurs plats principaux à ©tait les bandes de boeuf grillã ©es qui, probablement, pourraient avoir à ©tã © faites dans des vestes en cuir. De also, si leurs cheeseburgers avaient dã ©sormais la graisse compilã ©e dans eux, ils auraient pu en rã ©alitã © alimenter Rosanne Barr. Une question auquel on a souvent demandã ©, à ©tait si la dinde dã ©borde à ©tait la dinde, ou dã ©border. En fait, quelque picked de l'alimentation a semblã © , apparemment, à ªtre de-guerre-stratã ©gique. Autrement dit, la graisse de la tarte d'asperge à ©tait assez pour noyer un individu. Malheureusement, leur chariot de Mandrin cã ©lã ¨bre à ©tait vomit et, le croire ou pas, à ©tait le deuxiã ¨me article qui avait le potentiel pour tuer le Surhomme. En outre, si leurs toasts franã §ais ont ressemblã © dã ©sormais la styro-mousse, ils seraient employã ©s dans l'emballage. Une autre raison pourquoi j'ai mã ©prisã © cet hã'pital à ©tait tant parce que le faculty m'a traitã © avec une cruautã © si incroyable et la nã ©gligence. Standard exemple, les infirmiã ¨res avaient une habitude dã ©sagrã ©able de me laisser(me weakling) inconscient de quand l'aiguille torturante - la poussã ©e de la cã ©rã ©monie devait avoir lieu. d'autres temps, le prã ©posã © nã ©gligent qui pre... Free Essays on Hospital Hospitalities Free Essays on Hospital Hospitalities Hã'pital Hospitalities AAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOCH!. Voir a fait thaaat hurrt ? Beseeched Imbã ©cile d'Infirmià ¨re dans child highlight britannique poli. Les signes de rã ©volte à ©taient simplement à ©vidents sur le troisiã ¨me plancher(ã ©tage) de ce habitation la breath de sel de pin. Ces cris perã §ants horrifiants ont à ©tã © faits standard moi, depuis, je m'ã ©tais posã © en cette place en face de celui de ciel. J'ai eu horreur rester Detroit Riverview l'HÃ'pital parce qu'ils ont servi l'alimentation frightful, leur work force m'a traitã © avec la cruautã © absolue et la nã ©gligence et les rã ¨gles(autoritã ©s) et les rã ¨glements qui ont à ©tã © à ©tablis, à ©taient absolument absurde. L'alimentation d'hã'pital à ©tait sans aucun doute loathsome. Un de leurs plats principaux à ©tait les bandes de boeuf grillã ©es qui, probablement, pourraient avoir à ©tã © faites dans des vestes en cuir. De in addition, si leurs burgers avaient dã ©sormais la graisse compilã ©e dans eux, ils auraient pu en rã ©alitã © alimenter Rosanne Barr. Une question auquel on a souvent demandã ©, à ©tait si la dinde dã ©borde à ©tait la dinde, ou dã ©border. En fait, quelque picked de l'alimentation a semblã © , apparemment, à ªtre de-guerre-stratã ©gique. Autrement dit, la graisse de la tarte d'asperge à ©tait assez pour noyer un individu. Malheureusement, leur chariot de Mandrin cã ©lã ¨bre à ©tait vomit et, le croire ou pas, à ©tait le deuxiã ¨me article qui avait le potentiel pour tuer le Surhomme. En outre, si leurs toasts franã §ais ont ressemblã © dã ©sormais la styro-mousse, ils seraient employã ©s dans l'emballage. Une autre raison pourquoi j'ai mã ©prisã © cet hã'pital à ©tait tant parce que le staff m'a traitã © avec une cruautã © si incroyable et la nã ©gligence. Standard exemple, les infirmiã ¨res avaient une habitude dã ©sagrã ©able de me laisser(me weakling) inconscient de quand l'aiguille torturante - la poussã ©e de la cã ©rã ©monie devait avoir lieu. d'autres temps, le prã ©posã © nã ©gligent qui pre...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rise And Fall Of The Nova Scotia Coal Industry Essays - Coal Mining
Rise And Fall Of The Nova Scotia Coal Industry Presentation Coal mining has consistently been a significant part of Nova Scotia's economy, scene and culture. Along with cod angling it was the essential fare and manager for the areas populace. With the two ventures currently fizzling, the poor monetary atmosphere will no uncertainty affect the populace. This paper endeavors to analyze the financial conditions, advertise powers, and political moving that offered ascend to the coal business in Nova Scotia just as those adding to its destruction. Coal Formation The primary stage in the arrangement of the petroleum derivative we know as coal is huge collections of natural issue, an anoxic situation, and a lot of time. Dead plant material promptly breaks down when presented to the oxygen rich air so an oxygen poor condition is required. Basic situations meeting these conditions were bogs of the Carboniferous time frame. As vegetation kicked the bucket in these marshes the dead natural issue sank into the oxygen lacking stale water where it was somewhat decayed by microscopic organisms. This halfway disintegration lead to a collection of a springy earthy colored material known as peat. Peat itself can fill in as a vitality source yet not a productive one. The following stage in coal advancement includes the covering of the peat collections by layers of residue (Montgomery, 1990). As the peat is covered increasingly more weight and warmth is applied upon the peat crushing out the water and different gasses (volatiles) and expanding the carbon c ontent (Lutgens, Tarbuck, 1993). With shallow internment one gets lignite, a delicate earthy colored coal. At that point as increasingly more dregs is stacked on the store more water and volatiles are squeezed out expanding the carbon content changing lignite to bituminous coal. With significantly more weight and warmth, similar to the sort related with mountain building one gets anthracitic coal. So for the most part the more weight and warmth that the peat encounters the higher the grouping of carbon and the more effective the fuel. Nonetheless, an excess of warmth and weight may bring about the changing of coal to graphite (See Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Graph showing the connection between carbon fixation and eco-friendliness. Note the decrease in warming esteem as more volatiles are evacuated Source: Montgomery 1990. The coal present in eastern Canada was shaped in the Fundy Basin of affidavit. This bowl created after the Acadian orogeny . After these mountains were framed they promptly experienced physical and synthetic enduring, and dregs washed down their slants to be saved in the Fundy Basin. In the Fundy bowl silt was additionally saved in different sub bowls compacting the peat layers present and shaping the coalfields of Nova Scotia. The Riversdale fields were the first to be secured by silt and consequently the most seasoned followed by the Cumberland stores and the most youthful and most broad stores, the Pictou gathering (Calder, 1985). Ascent of the Coal Industry The principal verifiable notice of coal in Nova Scotia was by then Governor Nicholas Denys in dispatches to France in 1673. In his dispatches he composed that there was a heap of good coal four classes up the Spanish River close to Cow Bay, Cape Breton Island. The principal mining activity to be set up was by the French Acadians to flexibly the stronghold of Louisbourg with coal for warming and different mechanical employments. Mining in Pictou province began in 1807 after the revelation of coal there in 1798 by Reverend James MacGregor. Different business people immediately understood the potential for benefits and a few sank little mines into the territory (Calder, 1985). The age of the private privately worked mines would before long reach a conclusion be that as it may. The King of England at the time was George the IV whose sibling was Frederick, the Duke of York. Through his high living and betting Frederick had acquired a generous obligation. In August of 1826 the King allowed upon Frederick a sixty-year rent on the entirety of the mineral privileges of the area of Nova Scotia to help him in paying his obligation. Frederick at that point moved the privilege to the General Mining relationship in 1827. Many idea it unreasonable that the GMA have a syndication on all the coal mining in Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Legislature had the imposing business model
Friday, August 7, 2020
Product Management From Design to Implementation using MindMeister, MeisterTask G Suite
Product Management From Design to Implementation using MindMeister, MeisterTask G Suite To achieve successful product management, companies working within the fast-moving tech sector need consistent workflows. With a regular flow of ideas, push requests and UI improvements, its easy for tasks to slip between the gaps. An Interview with Cory Scott, CEO and Founder of LiveBy We chatted with Cory Scott, Founder of LiveBy (pictured), a real estate technology company, based in Lincoln, Nebraska. Cory shares with us how the LiveBy team uses MeisterTask, MindMeister and G Suite to keep on top of their product development, during this exciting but busy time for their company. Thanks for joining us Cory. Could you start by telling us a little about the work you and the team at LiveBy do? We founded LiveBy in April 2015 and the mission is to remove the stress of moving to a new city. To do this, we provide an online tool that matches house hunters to their ideal neighborhood in any U.S. city. We provide users with information on each of the local areas in the city they’re considering moving to. This could include information on local schools, estimated commute times and the kinds of houses on offer. Within seconds, the user is provided with a bespoke suitability rating for each city area, based on their personal preferences. It sounds like a really useful tool. How do you manage the development of a product like this? Well, we have a clear-cut product management process, from design to implementation. How we manage this development process comes down to both our team and the tools we use to collaborate. These are tools like MeisterTask, Slack, G Suite and MindMeister. We try to be flexible with where the team can work. They can either work all together in our shared office space or remotely. So team members can work from home or from a coffee shop if that suits them. We all stay connected via Slack and using the comment features within MeisterTask. As a result, the fact these tools are cloud-based means team members can work wherever suits them best. As a Google Business Company, we also use G Suite which the team can access remotely. We use Google Calendars for combined team calendars and Gmail for our support accounts. We also use Google Drive, for our collaborative documents. The fact that we can use all of these tools in collaboration, makes our product management process work. Providing a product to the whole of the United States means we’ve got to be flexible with the tool. We need to strive to develop something which will be as accessible to as many users as possible. And how do you use them to improve your tools? At the moment we provide a product to the whole of the United States and were hoping to expand to Europe soon. This means we’ve got to be flexible with the tool, and strive to develop something which will be accessible to as many users as possible. To collate all of our product management information, we’ve created one incredibly intricate mind map on MindMeister. The map lists every single product feature, for example ‘neighbourhood profiles’, then every sub-feature within each of those features. It’s a collaborative mind map shared with every team member. Everyone is able to log-in and add their idea for a new feature or sub-feature straight into the map. Team members label ideas with a light bulb emoticon so everyone else can spot the new idea and provide feedback. The product mind map acts as both a knowledge map, including all product information, and a home for new ideas. These ideas can then be discussed within the mind map and followed up in meetings. Subsequently, we use the map when making our product management decisions, including when deciding which product improvements to implement. Staying Agile5 Best Practices in Software Project Management Download The Free White Paper What would the life cycle of one of these experiments look like? Well, we begin the process with a brainwriting session. To make our meetings more efficient, we ask employees to brainstorm their ideas for improvements ahead of the meeting. They do this using MindMeister, attaching design mock-ups to their mind maps. We then meet as a team to thrash out all of our ideas together, creating one collaborative mind map. This allows us to get everyone’s ideas down in one place and decide which ideas to take forward. Once we’ve decided on an experiment or improvement we take it through our design to implementation process. MeisterTask is the cornerstone of this design and development process for our products. Our backlog of tasks go through the many sections on our project boards, until the changes are successfully implemented. We ask employees to brainstorm their ideas for improvements or experiments ahead of the meeting, using MindMeister, attaching design mock-ups to their mind maps. We then meet as a team to thrash out all of our ideas together, creating one collaborative mind map. Have you used this process for any growth experiments so far? We recently discovered that users were finding it difficult to fully utilize the search feature, so we designed a UI experiment to improve it. This experiment, listed as a task card, was put through our product management process on MeisterTask. The task began on the design project board. It moved to development once designed, through to quality assurance once implemented on the test site, and finally made live. Whenever the task was moved from one phase to the next, the relevant team members would be informed via the Slack integration. This meant that when the test was moved to quality assurance for example, a meeting was organized. This allowed the relevant stakeholders to judge whether the change should be implemented. Then, once the change had been made live, the whole team was notified, so we could go and check that everything looks as expected on our site. And was the UI experiment a success? It was before the UI changes were implemented, website visitors were converting well from content on the site. However they weren’t using the search function effectively, so were dropping off at that point. We redesigned the entire search interface and created a new landing page to assist users in how they’re navigating the site. The result was a new and improved search function and an increased user conversion rate. As a result of the UI experiment, we redesigned the entire search interface and created a new landing page to assist users in how they’re navigating the site. The result was a new and improved search function and an increased user conversion rate. So yes, Id definitely say it was a success. Would you say the tools G Suite, MindMeister and MeisterTask are central to this improvement process? Yes absolutely. MindMeister is the key to our ideation process and product planning meetings. In terms of product management, the development team was originally using another task management tool. However, they found it to have quite a low fidelity and functionality. They also wanted a tool which could provide the Kanban task card feature and more integrations this is when they found MeisterTask. At that point, the design team was using Asana. However, in order to create an effective workflow from design through to implementation, the design team decided to jump ship to MeisterTask too. The change has been fantastic for us. There’s now just one place for all of our product development tasks and the Slack integration keeps everyone informed. There’s now just one place for all of our product management-related tasks so the change has been fantastic for us. With the Slack integration keeping everyone informed, and the ability to attach relevant Google Docs to their respective tasks, all team members know exactly where everyone else is at. Tip: Download our white paper on Solving Your 5 Biggest Business Challenges with G Suite, MindMeister and MeisterTask. If you could summarize the result, what would you say its been for LiveBy? Ultimately, having tools which we know will store all of our information and tasks in one place means that there’s so much less to keep in everyone’s head. This leaves the team rest-assured that they’ll be notified when the next stage is needed. Having all of the tools MindMeister, MeisterTask, Slack and G Suite integrated, means that our tasks won’t fall through the gaps but will be seen through, from design to implementation. So there’s some insight from Cory Scott, CEO and Founder of LiveBy, on how the team are using MeisterTask, MindMeister and G Suite at LiveBy, for efficient product management. As always, please do share your questions and comments below! Staying Agile5 Best Practices in Software Project Management Download The Free White Paper
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Quotes From Princess Diana
When Diana Spencer married Prince Charles, the world opened its arms to the new royal bride. Princess Diana was an overnight hero, a youth icon and a benefactor of the poor. She was a figure of passion, empathy, and kindness to the commoners. People thronged to wave at her, while she smiled at every face. As Princess of Wales, Diana was involved with many charitable organizations. She defied custom by involving herself with AIDS charitable programs. She was often photographed hugging an AIDS-afflicted child. Diana was grounded in her beliefs. In time, her marriage faltered and eventually ended in divorce. Her premature death in an accident on the streets of Paris shocked the world. Princess Diana lives on in the hearts of her well-wishers. In this collection of Princess Dianas remarks lie the passion, aspiration, hopes, and dreams of a young princess. Princess Diana on Random Acts of Kindness Helping people in need is a good and essential part of my life, a kind of destiny. Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Comments on Her Marriage There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded. Any sane person would have left long ago. But I cannot. I have my sons. I think like any marriage, especially when youve had divorced parents like myself; you want to try even harder to make it work. The Importance of Family Family is the most important thing in the world. I will fight for my children on any level so they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties. I live for my sons. I would be lost without them. I want my boys to have an understanding of peoples emotions, their insecurities, peoples distress, and their hopes and dreams. About the Monarchy Being a princess isnt all its cracked up to be. Its vital that the monarchy keeps in touch with the people. Its what I try and do. Id like to be a queen in peoples hearts, but I dont see myself being queen of this country. Call me Diana, not Princess Diana. On the Meaning of Life Life is just a journey. The biggest disease this day and age is that of people feeling unloved. So many people supported me through my public life, and I will never forget them. The Importance of Love If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love. I went to the school and put it to William, particularly, that if you find someone you love in life, you must hang onto it, and look after it, and if you were lucky enough to find someone who loved you, then you must protect it. My first thoughts are that I should not let people down, that I should support them and love them. I knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love them. Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves. Happiness I dont want expensive gifts; I dont want to be bought. I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure. When you are happy you can forgive a great deal. Princess Dianas Personal Philosophy I dont go by the rule book. I lead from the heart, not the head. I like to be a free spirit. Some dont like that, but thats the way I am. Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Is it a weakness that I lead from my heart and not my head? Hugs can do great amounts of goodâ€â€especially for children. Thoughts on Helping Others Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my lifeâ€â€a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are. I think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved. I know that I can give love for a minute, for half an hour, for a day, for a month, but I can give. I am very happy to do that, I want to do that. I want to walk into a room, be it a hospital for the dying or a hospital for the sick children, and feel that I am needed. I want to do, not just to be. Random Musings I dont even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box. If men had to have babies, they would only ever have one each. People think at the end of the day that a man is the only answer to fulfillment. Actually, a job is better for me. Im as thick as a plank. Im aware that people I have loved and have died and are in the spirit world looking after me. The greatest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of each other. The kindness and affection from the public have carried me through some of the most difficult periods, and always your love and affection have eased the journey.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Cold War Era Movie Assignment - 1538 Words
Cold War Era Movie Assignment The movie/TV clips that we watched in class were all made between the years 1954 and 1964. World War II and The Cold War between The Soviet Union and the United States became the subject of many TV shows and movies of the time period. The paranoia and fear of communism and nuclear war was very real in the 1950’s/1960’s and it shaped the cultures of both the United States and the Soviet Union. You will be asked questions not only about the clips you will view but how they relate to World War II and The Cold War. You must use the historical events and facts that we have covered in class in your answers. Guiding Question: What do you think the attitude of Americans was towards Germans and Russians during this period of time? How did movies and television affect their opinions? â€Å"Gojira†(Godzilla) 1954 and â€Å"Them!†(1954) 1) What is the Japanese film â€Å"Gojira†trying to warn the world about? What happened in 1945 that influenced this film? The Japanese film â€Å"Gojira†was made in the early 1950’s, shortly after WW2 and the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan. The nuclear bombs American forces dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki left a sore spot in Japanese society. It reminded and allowed Japanese citizens to relive the horrible horrors that occurred after the blast. 2) What do you think the Japanese opinion of nuclear war was in the aftermath of World War II? Why? Japanese citizens were not too keen as they had witnessed the devastating power a nuclearShow MoreRelatedStereotypes Of Stereotypes Are Everywhere2445 Words  | 10 Pagesfirst instinct is to imagine an extremely studious child with millions of extracurricular who stays upridiculouslylate doing homework. He or she sits in a dark room, illuminated by only a small desk lamp, bending over the twenty page math homework assignment due for weeks in advance. 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In this class we studied the spread of communism, mainly through Eastern Europe, during the post-World War II era. I sat in on lectures and participated in the readings and exams required for the undergraduate portion of this class, PSC 433. In addition, I read extra assignments in the form of books and web based documents that I discussed with the professor. A majority of the extra reading that I participated in were primary sources. I readRead MoreEnglish All Semester 26504 Words  | 27 PagesEnglish III- segment 2 Semester 2 17 Assignments Week 5 Pre-Test, 5.03, 5.04A, 5.06, 5.08 Week 6 6.02C, 6.03, 6.04A, 6.08B Week 7 7.03A, 7.03B 7.05B, 7.08 Week 8 8.01, 8.02A and B, 8.03, 8.05 (segment exam) 5.03- A rose for Emily Part I: Character Identification in A Rose for Emily In complete sentence format, identify each of the following characters. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparisons of Inca and Aztecs Free Essays
The Aztecs had city-states and were people of a stratified society. Each of one of these city-states is ruled by a speaker that is chosen by the pipiltin(the nobility). This speaker would have to sacrifice his own blood regularly to show that he is a true king and has good intentions for his empire. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparisons of Inca and Aztecs or any similar topic only for you Order Now The nobles grew stronger with every conquest. The Aztecs also had a governing council but they weren’t all that successful because they had lacked real power. The Aztec system was very successful, because it was aimed at political dominance and not head on control of the people. The calpulli had authority over the government but during the 1st hundred years the emperor took over. The Aztecs were very smart in creating â€Å"flower wars†(to leave a few territories unconquered so that periodic wars could be staged so that both sides could obtain captives for sacrifice) ,because it ensured sacrifices. The Incas believed that their ruler was a living god there to represent the sun god on earth. Everything the Incas did ,religiously and politically, had a religious meaning in it. The Incas had a queen(senior wife of king) and she was believed to be linked to the moon. The Inca believed that integration was very important. By using their language(Quechan) they integrated by teaching it too their conquered peoples. They were smart to adopt the split inheritance from the Mayans. The Inca expansion was closely tied together by ancestor worship. They had developed a state bureaucracy of which almost all of the nobility had played a part in. The Aztecs and Incas are alike because the kings of each of the two peoples were elected by siblings of the royal family. The governing council also had a say so in. Both rulers and kings had a â€Å"right hand man†the Aztecs had a prime minister where as the Incas had a high priest. Both the prime minister and high priest(which both had tremendous power) were usually close relatives of the king. Aztecs’ and Incas’ highest deity was the sun god. In both empires men and women were mostly equal but since the military virtue was emphasized it gave men more power so it wasn’t completely balanced. Women were mostly in the household but they still contributed to the empire. The military in both had great power because they were the backbone of the empires; they supplied the peoples with war captives for human sacrifice. Both of the empires used sacrifice as a political terror. Where the Aztecs demanded mostly tribute as well as some labor the Inca people demanded mostly labor. Both took tribute from their conquered peoples. How to cite Comparisons of Inca and Aztecs, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Influence of Social Media in the Marketing Strategy-Free-Samples
Question: Discuss about the role and influence of social media in the marketing strategy of modern corporations. Answer: Introduction Digitalisation has substantially increased the number of social media users in past decade; people use these sites to communicate and share with their family and friends. The increasing popularity of social media sites attracts corporations, and they started using these websites to connect with their customers, advertise their products and collect feedback on their products. Modern organisations incorporate social media model into their marketing strategy due to its numerous benefits such as larger audience, lower cost, increase in sales, ease in research and many others. Along with benefits, there are several drawbacks of using social media for marketing such as vulnerability to hacking, harassment, lack of measurement methods and many others. Still, most of the corporations use social media for marketing because it provides a new and better platform for companies to show their potential and connect with their customers. This report will focus on analysing the role and influence of social media in the marketing strategy of modern corporations. Further, the report will evaluate various merits and drawbacks of using social media for marketing and provide suggestions for companies in order to increase the effectiveness of their social media marketing strategy Project Objective Primary goal of this report focuses on performing a literature review on the influence and role of social media websites in the marketing policies of enterprises and on the companys performance. The report will take the example of Starbucks Corporation to understand impact and role of social sites in marketing strategy. The secondary objective of the report is to understand various rewards and shortcomings that a corporation has for using social media sites as advertisement tool. Project Scope The report will understand the role of social media from the perspective of Starbucks Corporations marketing strategy. The report will evaluate theories of experts on the similar topic and analyse the perspective of various firms to evaluate the influence and impact of social media sites. The report will also include merits and shortcoming face by corporations for implementing social media advertisement policy into their marketing approach Literature Review Due to digitalisation, the popularity of the internet and online service has grown globally; people access these facilities directly through their smartphones or computers. Social media sites become substantially popular in past decade because of the ease of internet access through smartphones. According to Mangold and Faulds (2009), online social websites are the online platforms on which users can create their account and connect with other people. These sites are internet-based platforms that assist people in communicating and sharing with their family, friends, and colleagues. The social media users are growing rapidly with the popularity of smartphones; in 2017, the social media users in 2.46 billion and by 2021 it is expected to grow by 3.02 billion (Figure 1). Keitzmann et al. (2011) stated that the popularity of social media sites attracted firs, and they started using them to interact and connect with their consumers. The number of corporations on social media is grown as we ll; in the United States, more than 88 percent of the companies use social media for interacting with their customers which means 9 out of 10 companies uses social media (Bennett, 2014). The corporations use social media for various business activities such as recruitment, collecting feedback, interacting with customers, marketing, conducting market research and many others. The ease of social media provides a large platform to companies, and they can use it to their advantage. For example, using social media for recruitment procedure assist companies in reaching global talent and assess them without any additional cost. Henderson and Bowley (2010) mentioned that modern corporations hire people from all around the world, and they use services such as Skype, Facebook, and Google Hangouts to connect with them and conduct the interview. It reduces the cost of advertising for recruitment because interested candidates can directly connect with the company, and they can give an interview without actually visiting the company. According to Paquette (2013), the company can also use a social media platform to interact with the customer and collect their feedback on their prod ucts. The feedback collected by company from the customers can assist in improving the quality and usability of their existing product. According to Tuten and Solomon (2017), organisations such as Starbucks understand the role and potential of social media in marketing, and they utilise it to their advantage. Starbucks is an American coffee house corporation which was founded in 1971; the company operates in more than 26 thousand locations globally. The primary benefit of using social media sites for marketing is that it provides a wider reach to the company which is not available in any other mode of marketing. For example, televisions and radios have a limited range and companies can use them to connect with the local audience; the company can broadcast their advertisement on global channels, but it substantially increases the cost. Using billboards for marketing have limited scope since only local and people passing by the billboard can see the advertisement. All these problems did not exist in social media marketing because the internet is a global platform. Internet provides an open platform to people that can be accessed by anyone from anywhere; it is also a larger platform with billions of active daily users. The companies can use this platform to broadcast or display their advertisement to a broader audience. Starbucks has more than 37 million likes, 11.9 million followers and 15.8 million fans on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram respectively. As per Gallaugher and Ransbotham (2010), the company can use social media websites to promote and advertise their products directly to more than 64.7 million people that are also interested in their products. The reach of social media sites is wider than television or radio since it includes people from different age group. The companies can also use social media marketing to target specific demographic for which they offer their products or services. The research conducted by LaMontagne (2015) provides that 18 to 34 years age group people are more likely to follow the brand on social media for various reasons such as to gain incentives or offers because their friends, family or colleagues follow and for any other reason. York (2017) conducted a study on various social media sites and divided them based on demographics; the companies can use these studies to implement an effective social media strategy. For example, on Facebook, there are more female active users than male and 18-29 and 30-49 age groups are the most active. Chua and Banerjee (2013) stated that Starbucks target demographic includes these people; therefore, they have the highest followers on Facebook than compared to other social media sites. The company uses this platform to their advantage since they remain most active of Facebook and use it to market their products. As per York (2010), using this strategy assist in increasing the sales of Starbucks and it also increases its number of customers since people are more likely to buy Starbucks coffee if they see it in their social media timeline; they see their friends or family trying it or a celebrity they like. Starbucks is popular among a number of celebrities, and people post their picture along with Starbucks coffee which increases the sale of the company. Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, and Katy Perry are some of the celebrities who like Starbuckss drinks. These celebrities have huge social media following which assists in increasing following and sales of Starbucks. Many celebrities such as Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, and Hilary Duff, have uploaded their pictures along with Starbucks drinks on social media which help in celebrity endorsement without paying any cost by the company and it is only possible on social media sites (Jones, 2017). Saravanakuman and SuganthaLakshmi (2012) provided that when compared to traditional methods, social media marketing is easier and affordable way to advertise companys products. Conventional advertisement source such as television, radio, or billboard requires a considerably high cost of investment, and they also have a limited audience. Whereas, in social media marketing, the cost is comparably lower and it provides exposure to larger audience (Figure 3). Social media sites, such as Google Plus, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, charge money to display or show advertisement on their sites or to specific users but as compared to traditional methods it are far better. Glesson (2012) contributed an article in Forbes comparing television and digital marketing; the research provided that companies spend more on an online advertisement than offline marketing. People show more trust on online advertisements than compared to television marketing, and they are more likely to buy a product onl ine than offline (Figure 2). Kaur (2016) stated that social media platform provide the opportunity of free marketing to companies which is not available on any other platform. For example, creating a social media account is free, and any corporation can create its social media profile on multiple sites. The interest customers who prefer the brand follow them over different social media account which increases the following of company on social sites. The firm then directly advertise to its audience without paying money to social media sites for displaying its advertisement. For example, Starbucks post on its social media sites that they are launching a new drink and did not have to pay for such post and it reaches their target audience. As per Hanna, Rohm and Crittenden (2011), the launch of new products on social media sites has become increasingly popular, and companies do that to increase hype for their product. On social media sites, companies can easily track their order and see how many people have seen it and clicked on it, but, in traditional marketing, this option is not available. Hoffman and Fodor (2010), the corporation can track its audience and set their marketing strategy based on such information. The social media sites also provide a platform to firms for conducting market research in order to improve their marketing strategy. Many companies conduct a survey on its followers and ask their opinion and suggestions to improve their products. It is easier to conduct an online survey than an offline, and it also provides a larger audience to the companies. Many companies conduct a poll on social media sites asking their follower about which new product they want to see next and follower can easily vote in such poll. Based on its results, the corporation can implement its future development and marketing strategies. As per De Vries and Leeflang (2012), the popularity of mobile applications and internet-based services also assist in increasing the role and impact of social media sites in marketing strategy. The popularity of internet of things devices assist p eople in accessing their social media account through various devices and companies can use these new platforms to make creative marketing strategies. Along with numerous advantages, there are several disadvantages of social media marketing as well; modern companies have to deal with these issues while using online platforms to display their advertisement. One of the primary drawbacks of using social media strategy is the vulnerability to cyber-attack. As per McGuire and Dowling (2013), using social media sites require companies to upload their data to online servers and connect with online platforms which increase the risk of cyber-attack. The rate of cybercrimes is increasing along with the popularity of social media sites, and hackers target large companies social media account to gain an unfair advantage. In past years, there have been several attacks on social media accounts of large corporations which show the risk of using social media marketing strategy. For example, attack on Ashley Madison leaked personal information of 30 million users; the data breach on Apples cloud service iCloud resulted in leaking more than 500 pers onal photos of celebrities (Maddaus, 2017). The accounts of HBO, Sony, Home Depot, eBay and JP Morgan, have also been attacked and hackers leaked the personal data and sensitive files of companies. In 2013, the breach of Yahoos database is considered as one of the biggest data breaches in the history by experts who affected more than 3 billion people (Haselton, 2017). The rate of cybercrimes is growing rapidly, and it increases the risk for companies to use social media for marketing (Figure 4). Using social media marketing also include various insider threats that may result in decreasing companys market reputation. For example, social media sites are 24*7, and corporations also have to interact with their customer all the time, any human error or activity of the user can be detrimental for the corporation. As per Okazaki and Taylor (2013), employees can upload deleterious comment or post on social media sites that may offend followers or public. The insider threat also increases the risk of cybercrime; the attack on Morgan S tanley is a good example in which the hackers gain access to companys online data through inside help. In 2016, IBM conducted a study on cybercrimes which provide that more than 60 percent of the attacks are caused due to insider threats (IBM, 2016). Using social media strategy for marketing also includes the risk of hidden costs that increase the overall marketing budget of a firm. For example, to protect the online account from cyber-attacks, corporation have to invest heavily in security software. The research of Gartner provided that global spending on social media security has increased up to $90 billion in 2017 and by 2020, it is estimated to reach $113 billion (Gartner, 2017). Social media sites provide a larger audience but reaching specific demographic has become difficult for companies because a large number of firms use these services. According to Mainiero and Jones (2013), the company faces harassment on social media sites because anyone can post anything on online platforms which increase the risk of mental problems in employees. Only the large corporations are able to use social media for their marketing strategy effectively, but smaller companies have to invest heavily in order to increase their online followers. Many people also consider social media sites as time waste which increases peoples addiction on internet services; therefore, it also has a negative image in between people. Organisations can assess their market and implement an effective social media marketing strategy to gain a competitive advantage over its competitor. Following suggestions can be implemented by companies to avoid the risk of social media and increase their profitability. The companies which are using social media marketing strategy should invest in online security software because cyber crimes are increasing rapidly and firms can lose all of its followers in case its social accounts are hacked. The corporations should not treat social media sites as any other traditional source of marketing because people have a voice on this platform, and they can ruin a companys reputation. Starbucks has implemented a subtle social media marketing strategy through which they focus more on customer interaction rather than advertising. Instead of posting a large number of advertisements, they upload photos of their customers or product which attract more followers. According to Hajli (2014), the company should also invest in the traditional source of marketing along with social media because many people did not prefer social media marketing (old age people), and they trust other sources of advertisements Conclusion In conclusion, it can be provided that popularity of social media sites is growing between companies, and they are started using social media for advertising their products and services to customers. Social media marketing provides various benefits to corporations such as larger audience, targeting specific demographics, recruitment option, conducting surveys, collecting feedback from customers and many others. Effective use and implementation of social media can benefit the company in increasing its sales and followers. Along with merits, there are several risks of using social media marketing strategy as well, such as vulnerability to hacking, hidden costs, insider threats, and reducing reputation. The companies can assess their market position and implement various strategies to improve their marketing strategy, for example, setting a specific budget for security, and subtle advertisements. The role and impact of social media sites are increasing in modern companys marketing strat egies, and corporations can use it effectively to gain a competitive advantage. References Bennett, S., 2014. 88% of Companies are Using Social Media for Marketing [STUDY]. [Online] AdWeek. 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