Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Accreditation Audit AFT Essay

A1. Compliance Status The ongoing survey readiness audits that are conducted in the hospital on a daily basis have identified areas we will focus on to ensure that our accreditation survey results are exceptional. Audits are performed on an ongoing basis with a focus on trends that are most commonly cited by the Joint Commission. Nightingale hospital has proven to have made great improvements over prior survey findings in Emergency Management, Human Resources, Leadership, Medical Staff, Nursing Care, Provision of Care, Treatment and Services, Information Management, Handoff Communication and critical value reporting. We have placed an abundance of resources and efforts into improvement in these categories and will continue to make strides to further improve every aspect of the care we provide to our patients. (The Joint Commission, 2013) A2. Noncompliant Trends The areas we have identified that are not in compliance with the Joint Commission standards are: 1) Environment of care findings with numerous smoke wall penetrations, interim life safely measures for construction projects, blocked fire extinguishers, lack of sufficient evidence of adequate fire drills, lack of testing for medical gas alarm panels, blocked sprinkler clearance as well as cluttered hallways. 2) Falls has continue to be a challenge for our organization and will continue to be a focus for every department in our hospital. 3) Moderate sedation is an area that has been identified that needs a hardwired process for not only the hospital but for the anesthesia providers. The Joint Commission standards for moderate sedation compliance will require teamwork from the hospital and anesthesia group. 4) Pain assessment and reassessment is an ongoing primary focus area that we have not mastered in our organization. We have developed performance improvement processes to work toward compliance. This standard is a focus for every inpatient and outpatient department of our hospital. 5) Authentication of verbal orders continues to be monitored, but remains a challenge for our hospital. 6) Prohibited abbreviations are used periodically throughout our organization and is a piece of our daily audits when performing open record reviews. 7) Medication Management is a  priority focus area for our hospital, which we continue to struggle with various elements of this standard. We are focusing in particular on range order compliance and labeling medications. A3a. Staffing Patterns The case study shows that on unit 4E has the most opportunity for improvement in the number of patient falls and hospital acquired pressure ulcers. The comparison of falls and nursing care hours appears to be inconclusive, however appears to be a trend developing. The data appears that the staffing nursing hours per patient day have increase during the fourth quarter. In October, the falls per 1000 patient days was around 9. During October, the nursing hours per patient day were approximately five. November shows an increase in falls per patient day to 11.5 with nursing hours per patient day of 15.5. December continues the trended increase to 15 falls per 1000 patient days and 15 nursing hours per patient day. The data shows that the more hours per patient day we have, the more falls per 1000 patient days we experience. The data for pressure ulcer prevention follows the same trends. A3b. Staffing Plan The study has shown that the number of staff available is not causing the increase in the patient falls. The staff are obviously not rounding effectively on their patients, and being proactive in fall prevention. The plan to decrease nosocomial pressure ulcers and prevent falls will be presented to all staff on 4E by 4/15/2014 and fully implemented immediately. The new action plan will be evaluated for the remaining second quarter and if successful, will be implemented throughout the organization. The plan will utilize 10 hours per patient day, which is the average of the last quarter. The plan will require the staff to be more efficient and round with purpose in order to stay focused on the needs of the patients. This increased focus should prove to decrease the number of falls per 1000 days. Action Plan: 1) Mandatory education by 4/15/2014 to all staff on 4E 2) All patients will be rounded on hourly beginning 4/16/2014 3) All hourly rounds will address the 4 P’s (Pain, potty, possessions and position) a. Pain i. Is patient experiencing pain at this time ii. If so, ask patient to rate their pain iii. Depending on pain level, offer medication or other intervention b. Potty i. Does the patient need to use the restroom, urinal or ambulate to bathroom and if so, assist them to prevent falls and stay with them until completed c. Possessions i. Is call light, phone, meals, etc†¦ within reach of patient? The patient having their possessions within reach will minimize their need to reach or ambulate without assistance to answer the phone, etc†¦ which will prevent falls d. Position i. Is it time to change the patient’s position (left to right, ambulate, etc†¦) the changing of position frequently will assist in the prevention of pressure ulcers. 4) Each staff member ta performs the hourly round will document each round on the rounding log that will be located in the patient room. Rounds can be done by either the nurse or nurse’s assistant, as long as all needs for medication or other special needs will be immediately addressed by the nurse. The action plan presented will ensure that the patients are seen and their needs are met on an hourly basis. The staff will anticipate the needs of all patients by addressing the areas that cause the majority of falls. The patients will know the staff will be returning within an hour and will no longer have a need to utilize their call light unless in an emergency. The call lights will decrease, which will create a more organized unit that is very focused on being proactive with all patients. The results will be evaluated and changes and update to the plan will be made where necessary to continue improving the fall and pressure ulcer rate on this unit. B. Sources NONE

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gender stereo type Essay

Gender stereo type is one of the problems facing gender issues in the world. Women performance in any science or mathematical subject has become wanting. This research paper undertakes to study gender stereotype in classrooms. The performance of mathematics will be looked at. This research paper undertakes to find out gender stereotypes as are in existence in regular classrooms and the conceptions of the same. This is a crucial research question for all students and teachers especially those involved in gender issues. Performance in classroom among women has been affect by the view of women themselves. Gender stereotype has been there for ages especially when the female and male find themselves in the same environment where their abilities are bound to be tested and a classroom is inevitably one of them. Gender stereotype Introduction Mostly ones performance in the classroom determines one’s area of specialization and this researcher set out to establish how gender issues are in relation to the classroom achievements. Women are said to have a preference for arts which are less challenging while men go for the mathematics which is tougher. The division does not end there because men are known to get involved in tough games too like wrestling for their leisure time while their female counterparts go for easy activities like picnics for their recreation time. Gender distinctions in the classroom come along way from the way the boys are brought up knowing that they are cut for the challenging careers – soldiers, pilots scientists while the girls are given the notion that they must always be neat and clean thus they opt for career prospects that can enable them to be’ ladish’ – secretarial jobs, nursing and utmost teaching arts. The war in the classroom is a conspicuous one as the boys openly live out the unnecessary arts and concentrates on the mathematics and science as a way of showing then macho as the tough gender. In a class the popular men are the one’s who have made great achievements like being the football captain or the best athlete while a lady wins by just being smart and showing the classic manners expected of a classic lady and the classroom feats come second or not at all. This research sets out to get an in look to this speculations which have always been there surrounding this subject to establish the truth behind it. The classroom stands out like a tornado that waits to explode and reveal its inner making when put in a stereotype context because the classes components are a people who are striving for a common goal but using different elements to get there – the choices made are done differently depending on the gender of the student in question. At least that is the mindset of most people regarding the classroom and this topic. Statement of the problem. I chose this topic for the research because it directly affects the performance of students and how they relate in regular classrooms. The student’s behavior, performance future ambitions and targets are determined by the perceptions of the gender they belong to. If a student creates a bad perception toward something because of her gender, then the future will be affected. However 3the removal of gender stereotype will set good goals that will create good future targets. There is a relationship between gender stereotypes in performance of some subjects on performance of subjects in class at large. When a student undertakes to create in her mind a mentality of gender stereotypes it becomes hard for him or her learn new things, new concepts, get new challenges, encounter obstacles, learn how to solve problems, learn to be independent and all these will enable to performance level a student to improve. Without gender stereotype a student will be confident and will learn more on his own. Objectives This research on gender stereotype in the classroom is a paper that is meant to clear the air on whether actually there gender related distinctions in the classroom. The extent at which the topic is popular in relation to the classroom will be delved in to and a solid finding brought forward by doing a research study in this institution. Determiners of the presence of the gender divisions shall be sought and the reasons behind these factors will be acknowledged at the end of this paper. The gender stereotype is a wide topic that brings with a list of implications; there is a need to establish whether it’s actually there in the classroom and its significances. This topic has affected the classroom and there is need to know whether positively or negatively. This topic is reference to women widely assumed stand about the arts and mathematics in the classroom, women are said to prefer arts while mathematics are left for men to it as an expression of their masculinity to show their strength. To establish the magnitude of its effect a thorough research would be necessary through interviewing women on their opinions regarding this topic and the end of the case study. This research does not have an objective to discuss feminism in the classroom but its out to establish the gender differences in picking subjects of study at school and go behind the issue to learn why the gender stereotype in the classroom is their and at what depth has it influenced the decisions made in the classroom by women. This research lays down the issues that are there about women and classrooms when it comes to making the choice of subjects they want to study – sciences and arts – with mathematics as the most conspicuous science in question. Research questions. Does gender stereo type really exist in the classroom or is it an assumption that has always been there? What are the causes of the gender distinctions in the classroom? What are the effects of the gender related divisions in the classroom? Is the gender stereotype here to stay in the classroom? Methodology There are two methods of research/ data collection in research papers: that is quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative method is applicable where the problem is known, the problem is based on theories and can be measured in numbers. The analysis can be done on tables, graphs, pie charts, gnat charts and other statistical theories and it relies on assumptions. There are a number of methods which are under quantitative methods. These include surveys, experiments and quasi experiment. Qualitative method is different from quantitative because it is used to measure human feelings, attitude and perception. The data for this research has been obtained from the ten articles forwarded. Key words. Social category, mathematics attitudes and women. A study was done on women, twenty in number with their ages ranging between 20 – 58 years with a mean age of 23 years. Literature review Introduction All the nine studies showed similar results that the personal, attitude of women in the classroom towards academic activities in the areas of arts and mathematics can be affected by gender categories with only one citing completion as the boost to a positive attitude towards mathematics. Gender stereotype Women who were associated with a clear conscious of being female express a greater liking for the arts while those who were associated with the male category did not connect with the arts and went for mathematics. The women’s attitude were based on their preferences and not influenced by other people’s choice. Murphy. M. C. , Steele C. M. and James J. Gross J. J. (2007) in their article they argue that the influence of the social category has not been established and is not is not easier to pin point the extent at which women attitude could change in a stereotype way using the stereotype category. They further argue that it clear that the changes in attitude among women are due to the stereotype reasoning about women’s ability in relation to men’s ability or a combination of both. Guimond S. and lydie Roussel L. (2001) have added that based on gender identity establishment it can equally affect women’s attitude towards mathematics: women who are made aware of their identity preferred arts while the other ones associated with male gender went for mathematics. Their choices were based on their own personal perceptions without an outward influence from other people who had similar perceptions to theirs. Another study was done by measuring the women’s hidden attitude towards arts and mathematics after reminding them of their gender identity or neutral identity. The results still showed that women’s attitude towards arts and mathematics was more stereotype- consistent when they were associated with the category female or the gender identity.

Monday, July 29, 2019

After the Sirens

As soon as the radio is switched on it is described as screaming and it startles the man. He also recognized the radio announcers voice but it this was the first time his voice did not sound upbeat and happy as it usually was during his morning show. The author also describes his voice as Cracking with hysteria (Hood, pig. 161) which clearly sets the mood in the story. The way his voice is described stresses the role that the announcer plays in this story.The radio announcer uses repetition right from the beginning of the story and creates suspense, when he repeats This not an pig. 160) three times. He also repeats This Is an air raid pig. 160) twice right after the radio Is turned on. He continues with the count down right until ten seconds before the bomb hit. The radio announcer sets this man Into action to save himself and his family. The man responds Immediately by telling his wife not to ask questions and to dress her self and the baby In many layers of heavy clothing.While she Is doing that he gathers up food, Hater. Canned goods and two can openers. The radio announcer also helps the man to decide where they should take cover in the house because he reported the target and the man knew where the blast would be coming from. The radio announcer helped them survive. I was captured immediately by his voice and was taken on a Lorene of anticipation and suspense.

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2 - Essay Example In some point in time, this has outraged vigilant groups advocating â€Å"Stop Cruelty to Animals†. These groups have marched their way to request the banning of this practice in aid of legislation from government. Now, the stance whether or not, one is in favor of using animals in cosmetic testing or in any other lab experiments still remains a subject of debate. Looking back in time, medical and scientific researches have highlighted their major breakthroughs that saved human lives. The more popular scientific breakthroughs referring to the same, include: â€Å"1950’s – kidney transplant, replacement of heart valves, polio vaccine, hip replacement surgery: 1960’s – heart bypass, drugs to treat mental illness; 1970’s – drugs to treat stomach ulcers, asthma and leukemia; 1980’s- drugs to control transplant rejection, life support systems for premature babies and 1990’s- cloning of Dolly† (Thomassen,, n.d.) . These cited medical discoveries are the same strong justifications raised by those who argue in favor of the use of animals in lab tests.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Collateralized Loan Obligations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Collateralized Loan Obligations - Essay Example The shareholders look for the assets which give higher yield and the companies take benefit of low borrowing rates. Collateralized mortgage obligations are same as the overflow marketplace of the predetermined product world. Strong trade of obscure products have helped increase investor’s enthusiasm for leveraged mortgages just as the regulators are cautioning about potentially agitated credit markets (Financial times, 2014). The paper aims at providing the nature of collateralized loan obligations and their role during the time of financial crisis. It will also highlight the changes which has taken place in the regulations to prevent the re-occurring of crisis. Further, the reasons behind the latest growth in the collateralized loan obligations market have also been discussed. Bank are gradually more employing securitization structure of a novel asset known as collateralized loan obligation (CLO) in order to fulfil their financial goals. Collateralized loan obligations allow banks to sell part of huge portfolios of the commercial loans directly in the global capital markets. CLOs provide banks a way of attaining a broad choice of financial objectives, comprising the decrease of regulatory capital needs and requirements, access to a proficient funding base for lending activities, accounting treatment of off-balance sheet, as well as increased liquidity (Kohler, 1998). The rationale behind the formation of collateralized loan obligations was to augment the supply of keen business lenders in order to decrease the price of loans/mortgages to companies and to facilitate banks more frequently to instantly sell loans to the external lenders/investors. This will facilitate providing of money to the business clients and therefore earn price or fee with no risk or little risk towards themselves. A collateralized loan obligation is made of various high risk business loans which are grouped together and sliced into diverse sectors which carry dissimilar credit

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Discussion - Essay Example Life and Styles of the Two Artists Picasso Pablo Picasso was recognized as one of the most brilliant artist in his time. He was even referred to as the genius of the century in the book written by Walther (2000). This can be attributed to the fact that his works are exceptional not only in quality but also in number. He excels in different fields of visual arts such as painting, sculpture, etching, and ceramics (Walther 7). But in all the accomplishments that he had achieved in his life, one of the most noteworthy is his contributions to the establishment of Cubism, which was considered as the most influential artistic movement in the twentieth century because it had altered the development not only of the European art but all forms of visual arts. Cubism initiated the rediscovery and the modernization of the different art forms based on the liberal and avant-garde principles inculcated in the style (Cottington 3). Picasso can be equated to Cubism. This is not only due to the fact th at he can be defined as an artist who is free from any form of categories since he can express himself through any style of art. This is similar to the definition of Cubism, which had started a new culture in terms of visual art style, since it did not conform in the classical or traditional form of art. Due to the fact that Picasso is one of the founders and forerunners of Cubism, his most influential and most memorable art works had been produced during the period. One of the paintings that contributed to the onset of Cubism is Picasso’s 1907 painting entitled Les Demoiselles d’Avignon or The Young Ladies of Avignon. The painting shows five nude female figures in provocative poses. Three of the women were portrayed with Picasso’s signature faces while the other two were portrayed with African mask-like faces. There are different points on the painting that can be related to the style of Picasso. Based on experts, it is the time when the African communities wer e discovered, thus, the fascination for the savage depicted both by the masks and the nudity can be observed (Walther 26). On a personal note, the artwork is a bold move to challenge the traditional culture. The nudity and the topic exploring prostitution is a challenge to the closed minded and traditional perspective of the European society during that time. Parallel to the said objective is the challenge of a new visual arts technique that is cubism. Prior to the said art work, the form of the human body is not ordinarily distorted. But in the said painting, Picasso attempted to use a bold method that constraints the perspective of the audience to the two-dimensional form of the canvas or the paper. The second painting is the Three Musicians which was made in 1921 as a representation of the continuous development of Cubism. The said painting was recognized as a form of Synthetic Cubism. In the painting, there are three figures described as a (Source: Walther 35) Figure 1. Les Demo iselles d’Avignon (1907). Harlequin, a Pierrot and a monk known to represent Picasso and his two friends Guillaume Apollinaire and Max Jacob (Walther 56). Based on the aesthetic review of the painting, the style used by Picasso can be compared to animated form of Cubism. In this style, the figures of the characters in the painting are not as evident. This can be attributed to the fact that the shapes of the different parts of the body are only represented in 2

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fireworks Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Fireworks - Term Paper Example Fireworks The properties of firework explosions are force, velocity and heat. The combusting components undergo rapid entropic change, and thus this lends to the term â€Å"firework explosion.† The forces produced are generated by the rapid evolution of gases and heat that force them to expand according to the combined gas law (PV/T=k) where p is pressure, V=volume and T is temperature. The force of explosion is a component of the gas pressure. It is exerted equally in all directions obeying Pascal’s principle. Therefore, P=F/A where the ‘A’ is the area of confined combustibles. The force is responsible for the launching of the fireworks, their dispersion velocity and sound (report). Heat is a consequence of combustion and exothermic reactions such as oxidation and thermite-like redox reactions with the firework. The total summation of the energies produced obeys the first law of thermodynamics by adhering to the basic principle of â€Å"conservation of energy† Fireworks are generally composed of three chemical compounds; a fuel, an oxidizer, color producing compounds, a chlorinator and a binder. Manufacture of the fireworks is mainly done using chemicals that are non-toxic. Some compounds though, elicit high reactivity and toxic properties if handled directly. As will also be seen in later sections, the reactive products given off some other compounds are toxic. The fuel is the main component that allows the fireworks to burn. It is composed of sulphur, carbon based compounds, or metals. Phosphorous is also added to some fireworks for its glow in the dark properties. The most common metals are aluminum and magnesium. These burn brilliantly and are therefore preferred to others such as titanium. They are also cheaper. Often, the alloy, Magnalium is used. This is because magnesium does not form a protective oxide coat. This can be directly attributed to its high reactivity and thus higher risk of uncontrolled combustion. It may also cause serious burns and blindness due to its characteristically high temperatures and brilliance on combustion. The oxidizer is the accelerant used to make the burn more intense and violent. Potassium compounds are mostly preferred for this purpose. They include the nitrates, perchlorate, chlorate and peroxides. The potassium ions may also impart a pink color to the flame. Direct contact with these compounds may ca use an oxidizer burn to human skin or any organic material. Not to mention the fire risk if exposed to already combustible organic materials such as cloth, natural gas or dry grass. The colour imparting compounds are mainly metals. Their cations are the main contributors of the color. Their anion compounds determine how brilliantly they burn. Examples are the chlorides and nitrates that enhance brilliance. Carbonates and oxalates reduce brilliance. This is also where the aspect of toxicity emerges. a) Infra-red color- rubidium nitrate- it is not directly toxic, but is capable of oxidizing compounds b) Silver/ white- antimony sulphide- exists as stibnite and the antimony pentasulphide. The pentasulphide is flammable and can have potentially toxic effects on reacting with strong acids such as HCl. The reaction produces hydrogen sulphide which is a potent nerve toxin. HCl is naturally found in the stomachs of many mammals as a component of gastric juice. The pentasulphide is thus poten tially harmful if ingested. The stibnite form is also potentially toxic c) Blue- copper arsenite- the compound is toxic, and this can be

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Federal Reserve Actions during the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930, Essay

Federal Reserve Actions during the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930, and the Global Economic Recession of 2008 and 2009 - Essay Example The main reason for this is due to the circulation of goods in different continents. Besides, effects of commerce are experienced on a global scale. Therefore, an economic slump in the US will also be faced in Europe and the Far East. There are two critical periods in history whereby the global economy has slumped markedly, affecting millions of people around the world. The first is the Great Depression of the late 1920’s and more recently, the Global Economic Recession of the late 2000’s. Various factors have been implicated in these notable economic slumps in history, but these vary widely according to many economists, pundits and authors of economics books all have given their opinions on what may have caused the Great Depression and the Global Economic Recession. This essay analyses the Great Depression and the Global Economic Recession in detail by analyzing the causes and the role that Federal Reserve Actions played in the economic slumps. The paper also describes opinions concerning the economic slumps from four economists. The first two are Jeremy Attack and Peter Passell, authors of the book, â€Å"A New Economic View of American History: From Colonial Times to 1940†. The other authors are Jonathan Hughes and Louis Cain, authors of, â€Å"American Economic History†. In order to understand arguments put forth by these authors, it is important to analyze the Federal Reserve System and the two economic slumps. The Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve actions have been the countermeasures after the Great Depression and the Global recession of 2008. The Federal Reserve is an independent central bank that works in an independent manner since its actions are not ratified by the Congress or President. The Federal Reserve System was established in 1913 by Congress and its role was to supervise all banking operations in the US by raising or lowering interest rates, and to shape the US economy through institution of various economic policies1. As much as it is independent, this body is still answerable to Congress on various issues. The Federal Reserve System comprises seven Board of Governors members and 12 Federal Reserve banks that are distributed in various cities of the US. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is the policy maker of the Federal Reserve System and it affects monetary policy through many ways, some of which are; Open market operations; altering of reserve requirements and adjusting discount rates. These three tools are used to expand or tighten money supply. An example of this is in inflation. In case the FOMC wants to control inflation, it can restrict and control the US government’s money supply through selling of government securities and increasing the amount of money which banks need to use for reserve requirements2. These two actions by the FOMC remove money away from circulation, hence inflation would be controlled. This is because, a lower supply of money leads to less spe nding, and hence, there will be lower prices. As a result of these, economists argue that Federal Reserve actions are entirely responsible for economic slumps since they control inflation through their actions. Furthermore, the FOMC is able to amplify interest rates for purposes of controlling inflation. This is because, by raising rates of interest, this would make it expensive to borrow money; hence, consumers would find it easier to save money instead of spending it. The result of this is that prices of commodities would be lowered. With time, the initial roles of the Federal Reserve System have expanded due to the changing economic realities. Foe example, the Great Depression changed the manner in which the system operated so that future economic slumps would not be the case. However, this was not the case,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE - Coursework Example All these cases negatively influence group performance and personal relationships between employees. According to Roberge et al. (2011), strong organizational culture, focus on team work, cross-cultural couching and fairness in HR practices are proved to be effective in coping with diversity-related issues. Value-based organizational culture creates a special field where people from different backgrounds share the same aims and values. HR team should implement practices which do not conflict with personal values and traditions of employees. For instance, there are some religious holidays which require influence working schedule of employees. Even if the company is neutral to religion in its internal practices, employees should have a right to have a day off when such a holiday takes place. In order to regulate relationships between employees, organizations pay great attention to codes of conduct. Usually, these codes consist of universal values which can be accepted by all employees. Good code of conduct helps them to develop a shared vision and understand each other better. In summary, it is a hard task to manage diversity in the organization; at the same time, it is a rewarding one. When different people work together, they can create new innovative solutions which consider different points of view. Diversity is a strong value; if people feel that their values and needs are considered by the organization, they become more loyal and productive. Finally, training for employees can help them to understand each other better if their diversity causes

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Thoughts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thoughts - Assignment Example The changes in these elements often cause alterations in the organizational behavior. Thus, for an organization to be more efficient and productive, it is essential to lay significant importance on these elements. It has been identified that organizations where these elements are respected and recognized, the individuals within it are motivated and enthusiastic in performing more efficiently. These individuals also experience high job satisfaction, when the organization takes proper care of those elements. They feel of being an integral part of the organization and are more willing to deliver their best towards the accomplishment of the broad organizational goals (Jenifer, 2009). Moreover, as stated by Simon, the four elements of organizational behavior also lead to the development of leadership skill amid employees and the top managerial bodies. Simon, in his statement, explicitly pointed out a few of the greatest leaders produced by the world. In this regard, Simon noted the names of few prominent leaders such as Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs of Apple Inc., and the Wright brothers. Accordingly, it is argued that these leaders had been successful in accomplishing several milestones, only because of their well-developed organizational behavior skills. It is further claimed that these leaders had strongly recognized ‘values’, ‘attitudes’, and ‘moods and emotions’, of their followers which enabled them to influence the behavior of their followers and attain their total commitment (Sinek, 2009). Thus, I firmly believe that for any organization to be more effective and efficient in this competitive world, the four key elem ents of an organizational behavior need to be

Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay Example for Free

Counselors as Companions and Ethics in Human Services Essay 1. Every person we come into contact with on a daily basis is able to teach us a little something about life. You just have to be open to learning. This particular counselor who was introduced to Steve for whatever cosmic reason, but left the encounter more knowledgeable about the human condition than when initially introduced. At first glance and without knowing any background on Steve the counselor could have just chalked Steve up as a special needs student who in no way was going to succeed being away from home. The councilor however took time out and got to know his student and found all the triumphs that he had been faced with and had overcome throughout the years. The counselor was able to determine that this student was in no way going to give up and fall between the cracks due to a series of unfortunate events. Every child I come in contact with on a daily basis has their own story, many of which are heart wrenching or unnerving, but yet many persevere and will become productive members of society because someone along the way has showed that they care. 2. Steve was able to benefit just as much as the counselor through this interaction. He was able to persevere and complete his education. All that Steve needed was for someone else to also see the end of the tunnel as well as he saw it. Having someone on the same page and able to stand with you through your goals is beneficial to all those involved not just the single individual with the goal. I think the biggest push anyone could ever get is having someone who does not know you say you cant do that; it provides all the more motivation to prove them wrong. According to the National Organization of Human Services (NOHS), a code of ethics is an explicit statement of the values, principles, and the rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members† (Barker, 2001, p.84) There are two statements found in the NOHS though that best summarize this code and make it applicable to the field in which I am currently surrounded by. STATEMENT 45 Human service educators demonstrate full commitment to their appointed responsibilities, and are enthusiastic about and encouraging of students learning. STATEMENT 46 Human service educators model the personal attributes, values and skills of the human service professional, including but not limited to, the willingness to seek and respond to feedback from students. In reading Steve’s journey on the Hero’s Path there is an identifiable moment that relates to my current position that I have been witness to and assisted with. As a guidance secretary for a public school I have seen man types of students walk through our door. Our most recent students who have come in search of a chance to blend in with a traditional student body are two students who found themselves being best friends despite each other’s complex issues. One is an overweight 16 year old and suffers from Prader-Willi Syndrome and sneaks food from our cafeteria any chance he gets. The other a 17 year old was born with malformation of the mouth and hands. Both are part of our special education program. Because of their outward appearances, both are shunned by the other student, which has had very little effect on them. To assist them in this effort of blending in our Administrative Resource Teacher, who is popular and liked by the student body because of her understanding and helpful nature has essentially deputized these two during our busiest lunch period. In order to keep the child with Prader-Willi from stealing uneaten food and his friend from stealing anything for him, they eat their lunch and when they are done, are placed on crime watch patrol around the perimeter of the school, with our ART. The child with Prader-Willi gets exercise and it removes him from tempting treats left behind by students such as milk and chips. Both also get the satisfaction of knowing that despite their abnormalities they are regular students. During pep assemblies when the excited student body is a little overwhelming, these students also know that my office is a safe haven for them. They know that they must do work alphabetizing or organizing but they each have a task. I’ve heard many of our administrators repeat this saying time and time again â€Å"you need to know our students, in order to teacher them†, the same applies in any interaction with them. Students don’t just learn in the four walls of a classroom, they learn in every kind of environment. If you make that environment one in which they are comfortable students will return time after time to seek your guidance and model attributes they found and have seen demonstrated. References Halstead, Richard A. (2000, January). From tragedy to triumph: counselor as companion on the hero’s journey. Counseling Values, 44(2), 100.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Day My Life Changed Forever Essay Example for Free

The Day My Life Changed Forever Essay I believe it is a severe tragedy that children’s pastimes have changed drastically today from what they were years ago: from riding bikes, playing house, and having imaginary friends to texting, playing video games, and listening to mp3 players. When I was young, children learned to use imagination, self-entertain, and willingly respect their elders. I remember going across the street to play with the other neighborhood kids. I would impatiently wait for them to come out on Saturday morning, anticipating all the excitement we were going to have that day. I spent the whole day (until suppertime) outside playing ball, riding bikes, making mud pies, or conquering other planets that were actually just huge piles of dirt. Children today are lazier, more disrespectful, and more unsociable. My kids prefer to spend the day watching cartoons, playing video games, surfing the web, or listening to music. I try to encourage them to spend time outdoors and immediately the boredom whine begins or else they’re too hot/cold. â€Å"There’s nothing to do† is a common phrase that I hear when I say, â€Å"Go outside and play†. Many parents fear that their children are turning into geeks because of their preoccupation with gadgets, gizmos, and anything with a battery in it. They lament that children now lack social skills and that the real fun has been taken out of playtime as they spend hours glued to the computer (Selvarani, 2011). The increase in violence may play a role in parents keeping their children  indoors these days. Rape, murder, kidnaps, and pedophiles are concerns that parents face every day. Danger seems to be lurking around every corner; as a result, we’re terrified to let our children out of our sight. By keeping kids confined to a small enclosed area, are we really protecting them and keeping them safe or are we doing more harm to them? Child obesity has become a problem today because of the lack of movement by children. â€Å"8- to 18-year olds’ daily exposure to televisual media reaches 8 hours a day. As television viewing time has increased, time spent in other activities such as playing, reading, and family interaction has correspondingly decreased† (â€Å"Children†, 2008). Although experts seem to agree that â€Å"the shift to an indoor childhood has accelerated† (Cauchon, 2005), there is a vast difference in the explanation as to why this change has occurred. Whether it’s the change in the parent’s attitude, the increasing violence, or some other unknown phenomenon the change is still undeniable. It is true that pastimes today are geared to entertain just as they always have, but shouldn’t they also educate? If we turn off all the technology and take kids for a trip back in time, then perhaps we can manage to turn pint-sized zombies into active, well-rounded adults. REFERNCES Cauchon, D. (2005, July 12).Childhood pastimes are increasingly moving indoors. USA Today. Retrieved from Children, Impact of Television on. (2008). In Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict. Retrieved from Selvarani, P.; Choe, T. C. (2011, August 21). Those cool games of yesteryear. New Straits Times. P. Main Section

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Uses of a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Uses of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) A virtual private network (VPN) is a point to point connection that connects a user to a private network in a different location. Basically, VPNs are used to set up a secure connection to the internet. A VPN works by creating a point to point connection from a public wifi connection to a private wifi connection in a business or company building as if you are directly connected to the network. Since the normally accepted definition for a network is fairly common and usually accepted throughout the trade. A network consists of any variety of devices which may communicate through some arbitrary technique. Devices of this nature include computers, printers, and routers will reside in geographically numerous locations. The strategies during which they will communicate are varied, since there are infinite electronic communication specifications, data-link, transport, and application layer protocols. For the needs of simplicity, lets simply agree that a network is a assortment of devices which will communicate in some fashion, and will, with success, transmit and receive information amongst themselves. The term private is fairly easy, which is, in an elaborate way, associated with the idea of virtualization to that degree as VPNs are involved, as well discuss later. Within the simplest of definitions, private implies that communications between 2 (or more) devices is, in some fashion, secret that the devices which arent involved with the connection wont be aware of the information being communicated, and that theyre so fully unaware of the non-public relationship altogether. consequently, information privacy and security (data integrity) are vital aspects of a VPN which require to be taken into thought once considering any specific VPN implementation. Another way of expressing this definition of private through the opposite word, public. A facility that is a public one that is overtly accessible, and is managed inside the terms and constraints of a typical public resource, typically via a public administrative entity. In contrast, a private facility is one wherever access is restricted to an outlined set of entities, and third parties cannot gain access. Typically, the non-public resource is managed by the entities who have privilege of access. Samples of this kind of non-public network can often be found in any organizational network that isnt connected to the web, or to any other external structure network, for that matter. These networks are non-public as a result of the very fact that theres no external property, and therefore no external network communications. The distinct nature of VPNs enable both privacy and virtualization, whereas VPNs arent fully separate, per se, the difference is that they operate in a very discrete fashion across a shared infrastructure, providing exclusive communications environments that dont share any points of interconnection. It should also be noted that while VPNs could also be created to handle any variety of specific business desires or technical necessities, a comprehensive VPN solution provides support for dial-in access, multiple remote sites connected by hired lines (or alternative dedicated means), the ability of the VPN service supplier to host numerous services for the VPN customers (e.g., net hosting), and also the ability to support non connected VPN , however in addition inter-VPN connectivity, as well as connectivity to the worldwide internet. There are nu merous motivations for building VPNs, however a standard thread in each is that all of them share the necessity to virtualize some portion of an organizations communications in alternative words, create some portion (or perhaps all) of the communications basically invisible to external observers, whereas taking advantage of the efficiencies of a typical communications infrastructure. The base motivation for VPNs lies within the economics of communications. Communications systems nowadays usually exhibit the characteristic of a high fixed-cost part, and smaller variable value parts which vary with the transport capability, or bandwidth, of the system. Inside this economic atmosphere, its typically financially enticing to bundle variety of distinct communications services onto a standard high capability communications platform, permitting the high fixed-cost components related to the platform to be amortized over a bigger range of clients. Consequently, an assortment a set of virtual networks included on one common physical communications plant is cheaper to work than the equivalent collection of smaller physically separate communications plants, each servicing one network consumer. Historically, among the precursors to the VPN was the Public Data Network (PDN), and therefore the current acquainted instance of the PDN is that the world web. The internet creates a p resent connective paradigm, wherever the network permits any connected network entity to exchange information with another connected entity. The parallels with the world Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) are that, of course, all too obvious wherever an identical paradigm of present public access is the strong trait of the network. The public data network has no policy of information traffic segregation, and any modification to the current network policy of allowing present connectivity is that the responsibility of the connecting entity to outline and enforce. The network atmosphere is built employing a single addressing scheme and a standard routing hierarchy, that permits the changing components of the network to figure out the placement of all connected entities. All of those connected entities additionally share access to a standard infrastructure of circuits. The alternative to implement the net as a VPN nowadays is to lease circuits, or similar dedicated communications services, from the general public network operators (the local telephone company in most cases), and make a totally non-public network. its a layering convention that permits US to label this as completely non-public, as these dedicated communications services are (at the lower layers of the protocol stack) again, instances of virtual non-public communications systems created atop a typical transmission bearer system. Of course, this is often not without precedent, and it should be noted that the bulk of the early efforts in information networking, and many of the present information networking architectures, dont assume a deployment model of present public access. The alternative to using the web as a VPN nowadays is to lease circuits, or similar dedicated communications services, from public network operators (the local telephone service in most cases), and build a total ly non-public network. its a layering convention that permits United States of America to label this as completely non-public, as these dedicated communications services are (at the lower layers of the protocol stack) once more instances of virtual non-public communications systems created atop a standard transmission bearer system. Of course, this is often not while not precedent, and it should be noted that the bulk of the first efforts in information networking, and a variety of the present information networking architectures, dont assume a preparation model of present public access. However, this alternative will have an associated value, in that the consumer now must manage the network and all its associated components, invest capital in network change infrastructure, hire trained workers, and assume complete responsibility for the provisioning and on-going maintenance of the network service. Such a passionate use of transport services, equipment, and staff is commonly difficult to justify for several small-to-medium sized organizations, and whereas the practicality of a non-public network system is needed, the expressed need is to scale back the price of the service through the utilization of shared transport services, equipment, and management. There are variety of situations which may address this need, ranging from outsourcing the management of the changing components of the network (managed network services) to outsourcing the capital equipment elements (leased network services), to the outsourcing of the management, equipment, and transport components to a service supplier altogether. This is, in fact, the foremost common form of VPN within which there are geographically various subnetworks which belong to a standard administrative domain, interconnected by a shared infrastructure outside of their body management (such as the world wide web or a single service suppl ier backbone). The principle motivation for establishing a VPN of this kind is that maybe the bulk of communications between devices among the VPN community could also be sensitive in nature (again, a choice on the extent of privacy needed rests exclusively on a risk analysis performed by the directors of the VPN), nevertheless the full worth of the communications system doesnt justify the investment during a absolutely non-public communications system that uses distinct transmission components. On a related note, the extent of privacy a VPN could relish depends greatly on the technology used to construct the VPN. as an example, if the communications between every VPN subnetwork (or between every VPN host) is securely encrypted because it transits the common communications infrastructure, then it can be said that the privacy aspect of the VPN is comparatively high. In fact, the granularity of a VPN implementation will be de-escalated further to one end-to-end, one-to-one connectivity situation. samples of these kinds of one-to-one VPNs are single dial-up users establishing a VPN association to a secure application, like an internet banking service, or one user establishing a secure, encrypted session between a desktop and server application, like a purchasing transaction conducted on the internet. This is often a kind of one-to-one VPN is changing into more and more prevailing as secure electronic commerce applications become a lot more mature and further deployed on the net . So what is a Virtual Private Network? As weve mentioned, a VPN can take many forms. A VPN area unit typically between two end-systems, or it should be between two or additional networks. A VPN is also built with tunnels or encoding (at primarily any layer of the protocol stack), or both, or instead created with MPLS or one in every of the virtual router ways. A VPN can contain networks connected to a service providers network by hired lines, Frame Relays, or ATM, or a VPN can embrace dial-up subscribers connecting to centralized services, or different dial-up subscribers. The pertinent conclusion here is that whereas a VPN can take many forms, there are some basic common problems that a VPN is built to unravel, whereas at the same time exploiting the monetary probability of economics of the scale of the underlying common host communications system. In general, the technique of supporting personal communities of interest just by route filtering will at the best be delineated as a primitive technique of VPN construction, that is vulnerable to body errors, associate degreed admits an undue level of insecurity and network inflexibility. Even with comprehensive traffic an d route filtering, the ensuing atmosphere isnt completely robust. The operational overhead needed to support complementary sets of ancient routing and traffic filters could be a relevant thought, and this approach doesnt seem to possess the scaling properties to permit the quantity of VPNs to grow farther than the bounds of various connections, using todays routing technologies. Having said that, however, a far additional scaleable approach is to use BGP communities as a technique to regulate route propagation. the utilization of BGP communities scales far better than different strategies to that extent as dominant route propagation and is a smaller amount vulnerable to human misconfiguration. As you can see I have explained what a VPN is, how it works, and why we use it for a variety of things such as everyday use and for more business type situations.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

â€Å"Join, or Die† Rhetorical Analysis Looking back in American history, it is needless to say that there were many trials and tribulations that were overcome to achieve the freedom U.S citizens have today. In retrospect, it is astonishing how the colonists were oppressed by the British for more than a century and finally joined together with courage to revolt against them. This type of revolution would not have been alive if it were not for the art of rhetoric. Political icons in American history used rhetoric to stoke the wrath of colonists to revolt against the British. Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, significantly used visual rhetoric to persuade the colonies to unite together with his first political cartoon entitled, â€Å"Join, or Die,† which was published in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1754. Benjamin Franklin used his credibility to establish a well-crafted rhetorical illustration, in which its symbolization, initials, and caption all play an active role in the ground breaking drawing, which changed the minds of colonists towards the pursuit of freedom that is exercised today. Benjamin Franklin’s reputation during this time is what fueled â€Å"Join, or Die† to be more than just a drawing. He contributed many scientific inventions as well as insightful publications to society. His contributions earned him the credibility and reputation for being an intelligent individual. â€Å"Join, or Die† was the first political cartoon to be published in a newspaper like the Pennsylvania Gazette, indicating that impacted drawings such as this were not familiar to the public yet. Due to Franklin’s positive and respectful ethos, this political cartoon was taken with more consideration, instead of being tossed off as a mediocre sketch in a newspape... ... towards the colonies that are individually recognized. The failure to independently recognize each of the thirteen colonies in their own respect hinders his degree of persuasion towards his audience. Although there were snags in Benjamin Franklin’s political cartoon, it nevertheless accomplished its goal of persuading the colonists to band together as a harmonized force against the British for freedom. It is undeniable that Benjamin’s Franklin’s rhetorical methods were successful in his political cartoon, â€Å"Join, or Die†. The visual captured the minds of many colonists and led them towards the idea of revolution, and it is still appreciated today. Although there were drawbacks in the illustration, it nevertheless accomplished persuasion, and it is one of the many contributions that pushed colonists into fighting for the freedom that is exercised in America today.

The Moonstone Essay -- Literature Review

Wilkie Collins portrayal of a cursed diamond in The Moonstone, this Victorian era detective fiction book is still recognized globally today. Although, this novel was written in the nineteenth century Collin effortlessly distinguished the novel for viewers of all ages. The novel is not only a detective fiction but also has some elements of action and romance. Collins not only writes novels but also poetry and has been recognized internationally for all his work. Collins can with ease characterize all his characters in the novel. There are many contradistinction aspects in the moonstone but the most fascinating one is viewing the novel in a psychological approach. The reason is because in the novel Franking Blake unconsciously steals the cursed diamond away from his beloved Rachel. This novel is mainly about a diamond that became cursed when it was stolen away from its Hindu temple. The diamond was also the most expensive diamond in existence at that time. The diamond is said to curse anyone who receives it and keeps it and it will bring unhappiness to his or her life. The curse has been shown to be true throughout the novel. For example, the relationship between Rachel and Franklin Blake although, they have loved each other the moonstone has only brought unhappiness to there lives. Despite the love between Rachel and Franklin Blake the stone has cursed their lives the moonstone is best understood to be a curse, because both of these individuals took possession of the diamond their love and friendship was cursed until the diamond was returned to its holy Hindu temple. The diamond belongs to a Hindu religion, which worshiped the diamond and praised it. The moonstone was so extremely profitable that some of the members in society in... ...giver’s generosity rather than his or her rapacity† (Blumberg 4). This is why at the end of our novel the stone was returned back to its Hindu temple. Works Cited Blumberg I. Collins's "Moonstone": The Victorian Novel as Sacrifice, Theft, Gift and Debt. Studies In The Novel [serial online]. Summer2005 2005; 37(2): 162. Available from: MasterFILE Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 3, 2012. Collins, Wilkie. "The Moonstone." New York: The Century Co, 1904. 3-515. The English Comedie Humaine. LitFinder. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. Duncan, Ian. "The Moonstone, The Victorian Novel, And Imperialistic Panic." Modern Language Quarterly 55.3 (1994): 297. Education Research Complete. Web. 3 Apr. 2012. Gooch, Joshua. "Narrative Labor In Wilkie Collins's The Moonstone." LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 21.2 (2010): 119-143. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Apr. 2012.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Charlie Chaplin :: essays research papers

When Charlie Chaplin was a little boy, a sheep escaped on its way to a slaughterhouse near where he lived. Charlie and other youngsters chased the sheep around, laughing and having fun. But when it was taken away, Charlie realized the sad finality of death and cried to his mother. That incident paved the way for the theme of Charlie’s future filmmaking career. Comedy mixed with pathos made perfect sense to him. He was also an everyman character, a lost soul, a wanderer - he embodied the American soul. He could be anyone. Chaplin was born Sir Charles Chaplin after his father on April sixteenth, 1989. His mother, Hannah Chaplin, was often put in mental houses and his brother Sydney and him were put into children’s workhouses. His father whom he almost never saw died of alcoholism. Charlie’s childhooCharlie directed and produced it. Its length is six reels, roughly an hour long. The Kid expertly showed Charlie’s use of pathos in his work, if perhaps too much pathos this time The Gold Rush. This 1925 film was a favorite of Chaplin’s. Charlie plays a lone prospector on a gold seeking quest in the Sierra Nevadas. Seeing shelter, he stumbles into a cabin where the villainous Black Larson lives. Black Larson doesn’t like this new guest and tells him to leave, rifle in hand. Charlie tries to leave, but a hilarious wind keeps blowing him back into the cabin. During this escapade in blows another luckier prospector, Big Jim McKay. Jim and Larson fight, and Larson goes off to find food for the trio. Meanwhile, the starving Charlie and Jim have the trademark meal of Charlie’s cooked boot. In this scene, Charlie eats the boot like it were a fine meal at a fine restaurant, twirling the laces around a fork like spaghetti. Later on they bid farewell, and Charlie finds a town with a love interest of his, Georgia. He invites her to a New Years Eve dinner, which she doesn’t come to. At the dinner, we see Charlie dozed off at the table, and he dreams that the Georgia came. Here is another trademark scene, the dance of the dinner rolls. Charlie spears two dinner rolls with his fork, and bowing his head down over them, he makes them dance and twirl. Big Jim shows up at the town now, and sees Charlie, telling him if he they find Black Larson’s cabin, they will find gold and be rich.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Barriers To Communication Essay

A † communication barrier† or â€Å"a barrier to communication† is anything that interferes with the transfer of intended information from a sender to a receiver. This can include anything from static on a radio, preventing the listener from hearing the program, to a third party interfering in a conversation between two people.Barriers to communication can retard or distort the message and intention of the message being conveyed which may result in failure of the communication process or an effect that is undesirable. These include filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotions, language, silence, communication apprehension, gender differences and political correctness This also includes a lack of expressing â€Å"knowledge-appropriate† communication, which occurs when a person uses ambiguous or complex legal words, medical jargon, or descriptions of a situation or environment that is not understood by the recipient. Psychological Barriers The psychological state of the receiver will influence how the message is received. For example, if someone has personal worries and is stressed, they may be preoccupied by personal concerns and not as receptive to the message as if they were not stressed. Anger is another example of a psychological barrier to communication, when we are angry it is easy to say things that we may later regret and also to misinterpret what others are saying. Psychological barriers to communication include. Emotional Perceptual Selectivity Emotions Emotional barriers is the feelings that prevent you to communicate effectively. liking and disliking are included in Emotional Barrier. Both the encoder and decoder affected in emotional barrier.To communicate effectively, you must clearly convey thoughts and emotions both verbally and nonverbally. Many times, emotional barriers on your part or the part of the person you are speaking with may inhibit your ability to communicate on an effective level. Your emotional state may influence your capacity to make yourself understood and hamper your understanding of others. For example you might be emotionally blocked if you are announcing a new policy, giving the first major presentation on job or in a class, writing someone you dislike. People may feel indifferent toward you or your subject or show anger against you and your subject. Perceptual Perception is a subjective process. When senses deliver their information to the reception centers of the cortex, they are associated with past perceptions, memories, feelings, thoughts, values, needs, drives, attitudes and other things going on in the brain that are totally unique. The result is a highly individualized way of looking at things. Perception is understanding of the world around us. Each one perceives the world in his own unique way and interprets what has been perceived in yet another unique way and interprets what has been perceived in yet another unique way. When we strongly disagree, we simply say â€Å"I am sorry, our perceptions appear to be different†. For example imagine every one in a company receiving a copy of the annual report. An accountant may concentrate only on one footnote in the financial statement, a sales person may look at marketing charts, and a public relations officer may respond only to the quality of the brochure itself each reader received the same data each reader perceived the differently. Another example of perception is your boss ask you to turn in a report right away you work late that night because you assume he means as soon as possible in fact he meant before the end of the week in this case you filled in information. Selectivity The audience is not able to absorb all the information coming from a variety of sources; so the audience pick up information on selectively. The selectivity is affected by timing, context, and the degree of uniqueness of information.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advertising and Sales Essay

AssignmentQ1. What is the meaning of unexclusiveizing? Explain the overtize gain with a neat diagram. Advertising is the non- individualized communion of teaching usually paid for and usually coaxing in nature roughly crossroads, go or ideas by identified sponsors with the dissimilar media to reach broad listenings The quint basic element of this pyramid be attention, engagement, zest, action and satisfaction. Attention The first clinical of publicizing is to capture attention of the consumer. The art is easy as even shouting or clapping open fire hunt mass attention. at that placefore, the transcriptwriter usually shoots the headline very attention- call upting by using the bigger fonts. The opposite techniques argon to engagement short thrusting lines in conversational language. Interest The adverts next intention is to cook pursuance in the indorsers about the output. later on giving a honourable headline, their interest is retained by elab orating on the linchpin features of the harvest-tide.This is usually incorporated in the rebrinys copy. Desire In this step, the advertizing creates a occurrence for the prospective node to adore benefits of the produce vicariously. The writer creates a situation that makes the reader ol operatory sensation as though there is a lot that is be missed if ace does non use the product. ventureion The purpose of this step is to impress people to do something. No ad is successful if it can non induce any action. This is non a difficult step because if the copy is clear then surely the reader give act. Satisfaction The tip of the pyramid is satisfaction. After the product is bought, the v terminationee should say a feel of satisfaction. The customer should ever feel that it has got the appropriate returns for the money spent. Q2. What do you agnise by integrated merchandising communication (IMC)? What argon the unhomogeneous roles? IMC is a strategic business proces s apply to break out, execute, and evaluate coordinated, measureable, persuasive commemorate communication theory programs over cadence with customers, prospects, employees, associates, and other objective lensed pertinent internal and external audiences. The goal is to depict both short-term financial returns and work long-term brand and sh ar-holder value. Integrated merchandise Communications (IMC) is a process involving coordination of various furtheranceal elements and other trade activities that exit with a firms customers. It includes managing customer dealingships that drive brand value with communication efforts. The role of IMC can be discussed with the hobby bespeaks Identifying the goat audience Specifying onward motion objectives Setting the packaging budget Selecting the correct processional creatures tropeing the promotion programing the promotionIdentifying the laughingstock audience IMCs first map is to identify the sort out audience. It i s very important to deliver the pass along to the right audience. Specifying promotion objectives Designed for a well-defined target audience mensurable Cover a specified time periodHierarchy of do grade of stages a prospective buyer goes by Use as a tool to develop objectives Aw arness Ability to bed and remember the product or brand Interest Increase in desire to learn about the product features military rank Consumers appraisal of the product on important attributes Trial Consumers concrete first purchase and use bridal Repeated purchase and use of the product or brand Setting the promotion budget Percentage of gross gross revenue money be allocated as a constituent of past or anticipated gross gross revenue Competitive parity Matching the contests absolute level of outlay Selecting the right promotional tools Specify the crew of the five basic IMC tools publicize, ad hominem moveing, sales promotion, public relations and direct merchandising Promo tion mix can modify Assess the comparative importance of the various toolsDesigning the promotion Design of the promotion plays a primary role in determining the content that is communicated to the audience Design activity is viewed as the step requiring the about creativeness Design each promotional activity to communicate the same nub Scheduling the promotion Determine the most effective timing Promotion roll describes Factors much(prenominal) as seasonality and competitive promotion activity can influence the schedule. Q3. plot ontogenesis an notifyment, some theories ar useful. dissertate the two theories to design an advertisement. In developing an advertisement for an advertizement tug, several sup flummoxal frameworks be useful. The first theory is the power structure of effects ride. The stand by is a factor to an final stage chain. Both the hierarchy of effects model and a performer to an end chain can be utilize to develop leverage points. 1. Hierar chy-of-Effects ModelAmong advertising theories, the hierarchy-of-effects model is predominant. It helps clarify the objectives of an advertising campaign as well as the objective of a particular advertisement. The model suggests that a consumer or a business buyer moves through a series of vi steps when becoming convinced to make a purchase. These six steps be as follows Awareness If most of the target audience is unaware of the object, the communicators travail is to chassis awareness, perhaps just come upon and recognition with simple messages repeating the product name. Consumers must become aware of the brand. companionship The target audience mightiness affirm product awareness but may not know much to a greater extent hence this stage involves creating brand knowledge.This is where erudition of the brand name and what it stands for become important. What are the brands specific appeals, its benefits? like If target members know the product, how do they feel about it? If the audience tactual sensations unfavorably towards the product then the communicator has to find out why. If the reproving view is based on real problems, communication campaigns alone cannot do the air of erasing it. Preference The target audience might like the product but not prefer it to others. In this case, the communicator must settle to fix consumer preference by promoting quality, value, action and other features. Conviction A target audience mightprefer a particular product but not develop the confidence about acquire it. The communicators job is to build time among the target audience. Purchase Finally, some members of the target audience might sop up time but not quite get around to making the purchase. They may clutches for more information or intend to act later. 2. Means-End TheoryA second theoretical approach a original (team) can use to design an advertisement is a manner-end-chain. This approach suggests that an advertisement should engag e a message or means that lead the consumer to a desired end state. Means end theory is the radix of a model called the Means-End Conceptualizations of Components for Advertising dodge (MECCAS). The MECCAS model suggests using five elements in creating advertisements. The products attributes delicious and impudent are the products attribute. Consumer benefits delicious and lively are linked with the benefit of freshness and good taste. Leverage point the leverage point in the advertisement is the link betwixt the benefit of delicious drink and the personal value of choosing the right drink of an athlete. Personal Values the value of the consumer, the reason of get Coca Cola. He could value the refreshing or the delicious attributes. The marters need to understand the personal value so that the message will hit the right target. Q4. What do you mean by public relations(PR)? What are the difference between PR and advertising? universe relations is used to build rapport with employees, customers, investors, voters or the general public. Public Relations (PR) is the actions of a corporation, store, government, individual and so forth in promoting goodwill between itself and the public, the community, employees, customers etc. The most comprehensive definition is as followsPublic relation is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an organization with the public interest and executes a program of action and communication to earn public understanding and acceptance. The hobby are the differences between advertising and public relations. Advertising 1. The company pays for advertising the company. because the focus is on getting its products orservices.2. Since you are paying for the space, you watch productive master on what goes into that advertisement. 3. Advertisements can be published or run repeatedly. An advertisement generally has a longer shelf life than one press release. 4. I n advertising, you get to exercise your creativity in creating new advertising campaigns and materials.5. If you are running(a) at an advertising agency, your main contacts are yours-workers and the agencys clients. 6. You are feel out your target audience and advertise accordingly. You would not advertise a chaffs Product in a business snip. 7. Some industry professionals much(prenominal) as Account Executive have contact with the clients. Others like Copywriters or computer graphic Designers in the agency may not meet with the client at all. 8. sales, 20% discount, Buy this product Act now Call today These are the things you can say in an advertisement. You deprivation to use those buzz words to activate people to buy your product. Public relations1. The objective is to get free promotion for space. You know exactly when that advertisement will on air to be published. 2. You have no control over how the media presents your information, if they dissolve to use your info rmation at all. They are not obligated to cover your lawsuit or publish your press release. 3. You submit a press release about a new product or about a word concourse once. The PR exposure you receive is only circulated once and the editor will not publish more than once. 4. In public relations, you have to have a look for news and be able to give buzz through that news. You exercise your creativity in the way you search for new news to release to the media. 5. In PR, the main contacts will be people in the area of publications and broadcast media. 6. It is generally not possible to segment, target or position the product or service. 7. In public relations, you are very visible to the media.PR professionals are not always called on for the good news. In an emergency you may have to give a narrative or on-camera interview to journalists. You may jibe your company as a articulation at an event. 8. You are strictly written material in a no-nonsense news format. Any blatant c ommercial messages in your communications are disregarded by the media. Q5. What are the four types of annalists used to develop a comprehensive model for evaluation of a sales organization? there are mainly four factors or types of abbreviation that are usually infallible todevelop a comprehensive model for evaluation of a sales organization. They are 1) sales summary2) Cost digest3) Profitability outline4) productivity psycho analysis1) sales analysis It is an important factor for evaluating the effectiveness of a sales organization. Sales analysis detects strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Sales analysis is expound as a detailed supervision of a companys sales data, which includes assimilating, classifying, comparing and drawing conclusions. Sales analysis is done based on the following parameters a) Levels in sales organization Sales analysis should be done at all levels of the sales organizations. This includes evaluation of sales performance from the co mpany level down to the last level. b) Types of sales The analysis of diametric types of sales at different organisational levels definitely increases the sales managers ability to detect problem areas in the companys sales performance. For example, analysis can be done a. establish on type of productsb. By dissemination channels typesc. By type of customer classificationsd. By size of orders2) Cost analysis Cost analysis is the analysis of cost that affect sales volume. The purpose of selling cost analysis is to determine the meshworkableness of sales control units, like market segments, sales territories and products. This is done by subtracting the marketing costs from the sales revenues, associated with the sales control units. 3) Profitability analysis Profitability analysis of marketing units (that is, regions, branches, channels, products or customer groups) can be developed by preparing profit and loss (or income and expense) statements for marketing units. However, the question arises as to how to allocate indirect or divided up expenses to various marketing units. There are two approaches for profitability analysis 4) Productivity analysis Productivity is usually measurable by ratios between outputs and inputs. For example, sales per salesperson are used by umpteen companies as a measure of productivity.Thereare other productivity ratios such as selling expenses per salesperson, sales calls per salesperson, and quotations submitted per salesperson. Q6. take up the meaning and importance of media fix decisions. A media mix is the way various types of media are strategically combined in an advertising plan, such as using composition and posters to announce a new product as the iPod managers did, followed by television advertising that shows how to use the product and billboards that reminded people to look for it when they go out to the store. A media fomite is specific TV program (Comedy Circus, CID), newspapers (The Telegraph, Mumbai Mirror ), magazines (The bluster star, Elle). Media planning is the way advertisers identify and select media options based on research into the audience profiles of various media planning as well as includes computer programing and budgeting. Media buying is the task of identifying specific vehicles, such as TV channels/programs or websites, negotiating the cost to advertise in them and discussion the details of billing and payment.Frequency refers to the physical body of times a person is unfastened to the advertisement. An impression is one persons opportunity to be exposed one time to an advertisement in a broadcast program, newspapers, magazines or outdoor locations. Circulation means the deem of copies sold. In the media industry, there are professionals who do both, sell and buy advertising. Media sales people work for a medium, such as a magazine or television channel and their objective is to build the best possible arguments to convince media planners to use the medium th ey represent. There are also media reps, who are people or companies that sell space (in print) and time (in broadcast) for a conformation of media. The rate base is the real number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that gets printed and sold. Readership is the average number of readers per copy sold.

Last Sacrifice Chapter Thirty-three

CRIES AND SCREAMS FROM THE auditory modality told me my disguise was g wholeness.Many eye also went to Dimitri. Adrian had dropped that illusion too, once Id shed mine. And, as wed been expecting, the withstanders who had been gradually taking up position or so us surged forward, armed with handguns. I placid panorama that was cheating. Fortunately, my mother and Mikhail moved quickly into place to encumber our endeavorers and deter any gunshots.Dont, I dead reckoningped at Dimitri, who I knew was probably near to join our dickens defenders. It was living-or-death he and I stay perfectly withal, so we werent taken as threats. I dismantle went as far as to gain up my arms, andreluctantly, I suspectedDimitri did too. Wait. Please see to us first.The shielder circle was tight, with no gaps. I was pretty sealed my mom and Mikhail were the nevertheless affair keeping them from stroke us thuslyce and thither. Guardians would forever avoid battle other withstanders if possible. Two blockers were easy to take knock defeat, though, and these defenders wouldnt hold O.K. forever. Jill and Abe suddenly moved forward, taking positions next to us. to a greater extent shields. I dictum integrity of the looming guardians grimace. Civilians complicated things. Adrian had non moved, further the fact that he was enclosed in the circle at all still make him an obstacle.Haul us collide with later if you want, I state. We wont resist. solely you eat up to let us public lecture first. We cut who killed the queen. So do we, said star of the guardians. Now, the rest of you back absent in the first place youre hurt. These argon dangerous fugitives.They need to talk, said Abe. They have evidence.Again, he pushed forward with his content, acting confidently intimately things he had no clue ab come on. He was staking it all on me. I was starting to alike(p) him. It was kind of inauspicious that our evidence wasnt as 100 percent upstanding as I d hoped, tho as Id said in the beginning technicalities.Let them talk.It was a new voice, moreover a voice I knew by heart. Lissa pushed her r discovere with two of the guardians. They held their tight position, the immediate concern cosmos that we not escape. This allowed her to slip through merely only so one could grab her arm and balk her from reaching us.Theyve come this far. They were indemnify about Jill. Boy, that was not easy for her to check out with a straight nerve, sightedness as she hadnt entirely come to terms with the issue. My impendent death was probably the only thing distracting her from the flat coat shattering experience of learning she had a possible sibling. She too was taking a lot on faith here, confident I was telling the truth. Youve got them. They cant go anywhere. Just let them talk. Ive got evidence to back their case too.Id hold off on sharing that, Liss, I said in a low voice. Lissa still believed Daniella was the killer and wasnt sack to like hearing the truth. Lissa flashed me a confused look but didnt protest.Lets hear them, said one of the guardiansand not honorable any Hans. after(prenominal) an escape like they pulled, Id really like to k straight off what brought them back.Hans was helping us?But, he continued, Im sure you two will on a lower floorstand well have to restrain you before you make your great reveal.I looked at Dimitri who had al lay turned to me. Wed both(prenominal) discernn what we were attractting ourselves into, and honestly, this was a staketer scenario than Id envisioned.Okay, said Dimitri. He glanced at our stately protectors. Its okay. Let them get through.My mom and the others didnt move decent away. Do it, I said. Dont end up as our cellmates.I thought for sure those loveable fools wouldnt listen to me. But Mikhail backed off first, and consequently the others did too, practically in sync. In a flash, guardians seized them all, leading them away. Dimitri and I stayed put, and four guardians moved in, two for Dimitri and two for me. Adrian had move back with the others, but Lissa still stood a few feet away from us, all her trust in me.Get on with it, said Hans. He gripped my right arm tightly.I met Lissas eye, hating what I had to say. But, no. She wasnt the one I was worry about hurting the more or less. Looking out into the auditory sense, I found Christian, who was understandably watching this drama with wishful attention. I had to turn away and st ar at the drive as a whole, refusing to see individualistic looks. Just a blur.I didnt kill Tatiana Ivashkov, I said. Several people grumbled doubtfully. I didnt like her. But I didnt kill her. I glanced at Hans. Youve questioned the janitor who testified about where I was during the murder, right? And he IDd the man who attacked Lissa as the one who paid him off to lie about where I was? Id versed from Mikhail that Joe had make uptually admitted to taking bullion from the mystery Moroi, once the guardians had cornered him with the picture.Hans frowned, hesitated, and then nodded for me to continue. on that points no record of his existenceat least not with the guardians. But the Alchemists know who he is. They saw him at one of their facilitiesacting as somebodys bodyguard. My eyes brutal on Ethan Moore, who stood with the guardians near the door. A bodyguard for psyche who was let in to see Tatiana the night she died Tasha Ozera.There was no need for any uproar from the audience this time because Tasha more than than than do up for it on her own. Shed been sitting next to Christian and sprang up from her chair.What on earth are you saying, Rose? she exclaimed. Are you out of your mind?When Id stood there defiantly, ready to face the crowd and demand aloneice, Id been full of triumph and power. Now now I was just sad as I stared at person Id always certain(p), someone who was everlasting(a) back at me with so much cut and hurt.I wish I was but its true . We both know it is. You killed Tatiana.Tashas disbelief grew, tinged now with a dwarfish anger, though she still seemed to be giving me the eudaimonia of the doubt. I never, never believed you killed herand Ive fought for you on that. Why are you doing this? Are you playing on the Strigoi taint in our family? I thought you were above that kind of prejudice.I swallowed. Id thought getting evidence would be the unspoken part. It was nothing compared to revealing it. What Im saying has nothing to do with Strigoi. I almost wish it did. You hated Tatiana for her ripen law and refusal to let Moroi fight. Another memory came to me, when Tasha had learned about the secret training sessions. Tasha had been aghast with what I now suspected might have been wickedness at misjudging the queen.The crowd was riveted and stunned, but one psyche came to life an Ozera I didnt know but who obviously had family solidarity on his mind. He stood up, crossing his arms defiantly. half this Court hated Tatiana for that law. You among them.I didnt have my bodyguard bribe a witness or attack LisPrincess Dragomir. And dont pretend you didnt know the guy, I warned her. He was your bodyguard. You were seen together. Ians interpretation of her when she visited St. Louis had been perfectly unsnarl long black hair, blench blue eyes, and scarring on one side of her face.Rose, I cant even believe this is happening, but if packthat was his pissdid whatever youre talking about, then he acted alone. He always had radical ideas. I knew that when I employ him as outside protection, but I never thought he was capable of murder. She glanced around, looking for someone in charge, and finally settled on the Council. Ive always believed Rose was innocent. If jam is the one responsible for this, then Im more than happy to tell you whatever I know to clear Roses name.So, so easy. The mystery Moroithrongwas almost everywhere Tasha had been. Hed also been spotted in suspicious situations whe re she hadnt beenlike Joes bribery and Lissas attack. I could nevertheless Tasha and just blame it all on him. He was already dead. Tasha and I could stay coadjutors. Shed acted on principle, right? What was wrong with that? Christian stood up beside her, looking at me like I was a stranger. Rose, how can you say any of this? You know her. You know she wouldnt do it. block up making a scene and let us figure out how that James guy killed the queen. So, so easy. Blame the dead man.James couldnt have staked Tatiana, I said. He had an injured hand. It takes both hands for a Moroi to stake someone. Ive seen it happen twice now. And I bet if you can get a straight get along out of Ethan Moore I glanced over at the guardian who had gone pale. He could probably jump into a fight and kill without hesitation. But this kind of testing? And eventual interrogation by his peers? I didnt mean hed hold up. It was probably the reason Tasha had been able to make him. James wasnt there the ni ght Tatiana died, was he? And I dont call up Daniella Ivashkov was either, despite what Princess Dragomir was told earlier. But Tasha was. She was in the queens domiciliateand you didnt report it.Ethan looked like he wanted to bolt, but his odds of escape were about as vertical as mine and Dimitris. He sluggishly move his head. Tasha wouldnt kill anyone. not incisively the confirmation of her location I wantedbut close. The guardians would get more out of him later.Rose Christian was pissed off now. Seeing him look at me with such dishonor hurt even more than Tashas expression. Stop itLissa took a few hesitant steps forward. I could find out in her mind that she didnt want to believe what I was saying either stock-still she still trusted me. She thought of a controversial solution. I know its wrong but if we used compulsion on the suspects Dont even suggest that exclaimed Tasha, turning her sharp eyes on Lissa. Stay out of this. Your futures on the effort along here. A future that could make you great and alight upon the things our people need.A future you could manipulate, I recognise. Lissa believes in a lot of the reforms you do and you think you could coax her of ones she doesnt. Especially if shes with your nephew. Thats why youve fought so hard to mixture the quorum law. You wanted her to be queen.Christian started to step forward, but Tasha laid a restraining hand on his shoulder. It didnt return him from speaking. Thats idiotic. If she wanted Lissa to be queen, why make that James guy attack her?That was a mystery for me too, one of the holes I hadnt quite figured out. But Dimitri had. informed of his two guards, he shifted closer to me.Because no one was supposed to die. Dimitris low, resonant voice sounded wonderful with the rooms acoustics. He needed no microphone as he directed his words to Tasha. You didnt expect a guardian to be with her. He was right, I realized. Eddie had been drafted that night under weird circumstances a nd only barely made it back in time to see Ambrose with Lissa. James was probably going to fake an attack and run large to generate sympathy and more support for Vasilisa. Which it certainly didjust a brusque more severely.The outrage on Tashas face transformed to something I couldnt entirely gauge right away. Shed seemed offended at my accusations, but from Dimitriit was more. She looked legitimately hurt. Crushed. I knew that look. Id seen it on Adrians face a mates hours ago.Dimka, not you too, she said.Through Lissas eyes, I watched the colors of Tashas aura shift, burn a little brighter as she gazed at Dimitri. I could see exactly what Sonya had explained to me, how the aura showed affection.And thats why I took the fall, I murmured softly. No one but Dimitri and our guardians heard me.Hmm? Dimitri asked.I just shook my head. all(a) this time, Tasha had still love Dimitri. I knew she had last year, when shed made him an offer to hook up and have kidsnot something a lot of d hampir hands had the chance to get. Hed refused, and I thought she had accepted simply being friends with him. She hadnt. Shed still loved him. When Lissa had revealed my relationship with Dimitri to Hans, Tasha had already cognize. But for how long? I wasnt sure. Shed obviously known about the relationship before killing Tatiana, and put the murder on me left Tasha free and clear and opened back up her chances with Dimitri.There was no point in bringing up her ain motives for blaming me. Tatianas murder was the real issue at stake. I just looked at Hans. You can take me into custody, I meant it. But dont you think youve got enough to take herand Ethanin too?Hanss face was unreadable. His determineings toward me had always gone back and forth, since the day we met. Sometimes I was a bad hat without a future. Other times I had the voltage to be a leader. Hed believed I was a murderer, yet hed still allowed me to address the crowd. He didnt really like my friends either. What would he do now?He raise his eyes from my face and looked to where several guardians were stationed in the audience, ready for any action. He gave a curt nod. ram Lady Ozera. And Moore. Well question them.Seeing as Tasha was seat amidst other people, there was a bit of idolize and panic when four guardians moved toward her. They avoided injuring other audience members as much as possible, but there was still plenty of pushing and shoving. What came as a total surprise was how fiercely Tasha fought back. She was trained, I remembered. Not in the same way guardians were, but enough to make it hard to get a hold of her. She could kick and punchand stake queensand even managed to knock one guardian down.She might very try to fight her way out of here, I realizedthough I didnt believe for an hour she could. It was too crowded and chaotic. Guardians were heading toward the fray. Terrified Moroi were move to get away from the fight. Everybody seemed to be getting in everyone elses w ay. Suddenly, a loudcrack echoed through the room. A gunshot. Most of the Moroi dropped to the floor, though guardians kept coming. Holding a handgun she must have seized from the guardian shed knocked over, Tasha grabbed the first Moroi she could with her free hand. So help me, it was Mia Rinaldi. Shed been sitting near Christian. I didnt think Tasha even noticed her surety choice. Dont move Tasha shout out at the encroaching guardians. The gun was at Mias head, and I snarl my heart stop. How had things escalated to this point? Id never foreseen this. My occupation was supposed to be neat and tidy. Reveal Tasha. project her away. Done.The guardians froze, less because of her command and more because they were sizing up how to deal with the total threat. Meanwhile, Tasha began to slowlyvery slowlymake her way toward the exit, dragging Mia along. Her progress was slow and unwieldy, thanks to all the chairs and people in the way. The impede gave the guardians time to solve this ugly dilemma. They come first. Mias lifea Moroi lifewas on the line. The guardians didnt want Mia killed, but a gun-toting warrior Moroi also couldnt be allowed to go free.The thing was, Tasha wasnt the only warrior Moroi in the room. She had probably picked the worst hostage possible, and I could tell by the glint in Mias eyes that she was not going to go quietly. Lissa realized this too. One or both of them were going to get killed, and Lissa couldnt let that happen. If she could get Tasha to look at her, she could restrain her into submission.No, no, no, I thought. I didnt need another friend involved.Both Lissa and I saw Mia tensing to break her way out of Tashas hold. Lissa realized she had to act now. I could feel it through the bond. I could feel her thoughts, the decision, even the way her bodys muscles and nerves moved forward to get Tashas attention. I mat up it all so clearly, as if we shared out the same body. I knew where Lissa would move before she even did.Tasha, please dontLissa sprang forward, her plaintive cry interrupted as Mia kicked back at Tasha and broke away, slipping down out of the guns reach. Tasha, startled on two fronts, still had her gun pointed out. With Mia out of her grasp and everything happening so fast, Tasha frantically fired off a couple shots at the first threat moving toward herwhich wasnt the quickly approaching guardians. It was a slim figure in white who had shouted at Tasha.Or, well, it would have been. bid I said, Id known exactly where Lissa would step and what she would do. And in those precious seconds before she acted, I broke out of my captors hold and threw myself before Lissa. Someone leapt after me, but they were too late. That was when Tashas gun had gone off. I felt a biting and burning in my chest, and then there was nothing but paina pain so complete and so smart it was almost beyond comprehension.I felt myself falling, felt Lissa catching me and yelling somethingmaybe to me, maybe to someone else . There was so much commotion in the room that I didnt know what had happened with Tasha. There was just me and the pain that my mind was trying to block out. The sphere seemed to grow quieter and quieter. I saw Lissa looking down on me, shouting something I couldnt hear. She was beautiful. Brilliant. Crowned in light but there was darkness goal in around her. And in that darkness, I saw the faces the ghosts and spirits that always followed me. Thicker they grew, closing in. Beckoning.A gun. I had been brought down by a gun. It was practically comical. Cheaters, I thought. Id spent my life focusing on hand-to-hand combat, learning to dodge fangs and powerful hands that could snap my neck. A gun? It was so well, easy. Should I be insulted? I didnt know. Did it matter? I didnt know that either. All I knew in that moment was that I was going to die, regardless.My vision was growing dimmer, the blackness and ghosts closing in, and I swore, it was like I could hear Robert whisperin g in my ear The world of the dead wont give you up a second time.Just before the light completely vanished, I saw Dimitris face join Lissas. I wanted to smile. I decided then that if the two people I loved most were safe, I could leave this world. The dead could finally have me. And Id fulfilled my purpose, right? To protect? Id done it. Id relieve Lissa, just like Id sworn Id always do. I was dying in battle. No appointment books for me.Lissas face shone with tears, and I hoped that mine conveyed how much I loved her. With the last spark of life I had left, I tried to speak, tried to let Dimitri know I loved him too and that he had to protect her now. I dont think he understood, but the words of the guardian mantra were my last conscious thought.They come first.