Saturday, August 31, 2019

Women’s Rights After 1945

Explain how and why women’s rights have changed since 1945 Women’s rights today can be agreed to be as equal as men, but it wasn’t like this since 1945. Many rights changed in terms of work with the equal pay issue and legislation. This was because of several reasons including women not wanting to return to their traditional roles and the beginning of the Women’s Liberation Movement. One of the most major changes to women’s rights was wage discrimination in favour of men.This denied women the opportunity to be financially independent of men and failed to consider female breadwinners. In 1949-50 two women organisations put cases to the Basic Wage Inquiry in support of equal pay which resulted in an increase in female wages to 75% of the male rate. The Industrial Arbitration Amendment Act 1959 (NSW) granted equal pay to women doing similar or the same work as men, but not to women whose work was ‘essentially or usually performed by women. â€⠄¢ Finally in 1974, the commission awarded a minimum adult wage so that the minimum wage for both sexes was equal.After WWII, not all women were ready to leave the workforce and go back to being housewives. They didn’t want to revert back to old roles and responsibilities after taking over during the war while the men were away. This was simply not just because of the money but the independence and self-determination they experienced when working. Women wanted to become more involved in the public sphere of life beyond the home. By the late 1980s, many households needed two incomes to meet the demands of our consumer society which created more support for women’s paid work.After 1945 many feminist began to promote their beliefs that changed laws and legislations that prevented them from their rights. A legislation that greatly affected the lives of women was the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). The Anti-Discrimination Act made it illegal to discriminate on sex and m arital status, for example. The Act also created the Anti-Discrimination Board to investigate and resolve complaints. In 1979, the government approved the international Convention in the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).Also, during 1979-80, the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) succeeded in gaining 12 months unpaid maternity leave for women employed. The Women’s Liberation Movement aimed to overturn concepts of female inferiority and male dominance and to make society see women as independent beings. Women promoted their liberation through protests, conferences, consciousness raising, political pressure or lobbying and books. The Women’s Electoral Lobby was one of the most effective groups in the promotion of women’s rights through lobbying governments and political parties to adopt policies.Australia was slowly beginning to introduce changes that supported women’s rights and freedoms through improved educational o pportunities, establishments of childcare facilities, rape crisis centres and more. Throughout the past, women have always struggled to gain recognition for their rights. After 1945 women began to question their traditional roles and their relationships with men. As a result many rights as well as stereotypes changed as women finally stood up for their beliefs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nursing Management of Care Delivery and Therapeutic Interventions Essay

Nursing Management of Care Delivery and Therapeutic Interventions Summary Management of a Proposed Service Improvement Word Count: 1,051 The following assignment will discuss a proposed service improvement. It will detail what the proposed improvement will be, why this is a significant improvement to current services. How the plan would be managed and implemented. The student has chosen to plan an improvement to physical health needs assessments for mental health service user’s in the care of community teams. Physical health is historically largely overlooked in mental health services, although many people with severe and enduring mental illnesses are at an increased risk of contracting serious illness, for example, diabetes, coronary heart disease and obesity (DH, 2006 a). The ‘Refocusing the Care Programme Approach’ 2008 document, discusses the links between mental ill health and physical ill health and the consequential increase in the rate of mortality and morbidity for those with mental health illness. The possible reasons for these inequalities include; side effects from medication leading to physical ill health i.e. weight gain, raised blood pressure. Low expectations of health care services, issues around stigma and possible communication problems with health care professionals. (DH 2006 b). The Sainsbury centre for mental health (SCMH) states that someone with a schizophrenic illness could expect to die up to ten years younger than someone who does not have a mental health illness (SCMH, 2010). This shocking statistic is a prime example of the inequalities faced by those with mental health problems within the health care services. For these reasons the student feels that more rigorous and frequent physical health assessments are required for those people with mental health illnesses, to monitor any changes to the state of their physical health. Within the student’s community placement areas there has been a lack of detailed physical health checks or assessments. Although the community teams deliver effective care for the clients mental health needs there appears to be a lack of awareness around physical health needs and the importance of regular checks. The current physical health assessments that are undertaken in the students ward consists of a very basic overview of any current diagnosed health issues, any medications prescribed for said illnesses and generalised questions around smoking, smoking cessation services etc. Rethink, a national mental health charity, recognises the short comings of mental health professionals concerning current physical health assessments. It has therefore published a detailed physical health check for practitioner’s use. The student has created a physical health assessment using the Rethink model. The rethink PHC complies with all aspects of annual review process put forward by the department of health (DH 2006 c). This includes basic health checks such as; blood pressure, BMI, current meds and any side effects, blood tests and lifestyle review i.e. smoking, alcohol intake. The student has taken the lead from the Rethink PHC document as it appears very thorough and detailed. The student PHC contains the headings below (See Appendix 1): General Health and lifestyle Symptoms checklist Screening checks Action Plan The student feels the most effective use of the PHC would be to conduct the full assessment at least once every four months, increasing frequency when and if necessary. This enables the service user and the mental health practitioner enough time to take effective action on any identified needs and assess the outcome. The student plans to implement this service improvement in a staged approach using the NHS institute for innovation and improvement model for improvement (NHS 2005). (See Appendix 2). The first stage of the plan will involve liaising with the multi disciplinary team, consisting of mental health nurses, occupational therapists and social workers. Discuss the current system of PHC and the various aspects of how the new PHC will be implemented and managed. Discuss with staff the proposal of offering this PHC to clients on a four monthly basis and the rationale  behind it, this being the likelihood of a person with a mental health problem suffering from a serious physical illness. The Chief Nursing Officer’s review of mental health nursing, ‘From values to action 2006’ recommends that mental health nurses attain the skills required to improve the physical well-being of people with mental health problems. In a community setting, many RMN’s as well as other mental health practitioner’s act as care co-ordinators and, as such, are in a particularly strong position to ensure that the whole range of health needs are assessed and responded to. (DH 2006 d). In doing so, community teams would be offering completely holistic care. All mental health practitioners within the team would be given training around the various parts of the assessment and how to utilise the tool most effectively. The Rethink document is accompanied by a Physical Health Check Information resource Pack; this document can be downloaded for free from ‘the mental health shop, (The mental health shop, 2007). There would be a hard copy of this document available to all practitioners to assist with implementation of the PHC. Once the training is complete and staff have gained consent from clients the PHC will be put into action. The student feels that the most effective management of the implementation would be to offer time within clinical supervision and multi disciplinary team meetings to discuss any queries around implementation or the effective use of PHC. The student feels that the system should be revised after a period of eight months to gain insight from p ractitioners and service user’s about the effectiveness of the PHC and if there are any suggestions for improvements to the plan. The student has included a copy of the questionnaire’s that would be distributed to staff and clients after a period of eight months (See Appendix 4 and 5).This process would be extremely beneficial to gain the points of view of those conducting the assessment and those who are subject to the assessment. The student has included a flow chart showing the staged implementation (see Appendix 3). In discussing the proposed improvement and detailing why this would be an effective change the student has demonstrated the current need for better physical health monitoring within mental health services as a hole, but specifically focusing on community care. Completing the implementation of these more detailed checks should allow service users a better quality of life and make a change to the overall life expectancy to someone that is diagnosed with a mental health illness. Department of health. (2006 a). Choosing Health: Supporting the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness. Pg 7. Retrieved from the department o health website: Department of health. (2006 b). Choosing Health: Supporting the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness. Pg 8. Retrieved from the department o health website: Department of health. (2006 c). Choosing Health: Supporting the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness. Pg 14. Retrieved from the department o health website: Department of Health. (2006 d). From Values to action: The Chief Nursing Officer’s review of Mental Health Nursing. Retrieved from the department of health website: Department of Health. (2008). Refocusing the Care Programme Approach: Policy and Positive practice Guidance. DH Publications: London NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. (2005). Improvement Leaders’ Guide. Process mapping, analysis and redesign. General improvement skills. Retrieved from the Chester University Intranet: Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health. (2010). Mental Health Inequalities: Measuring what counts. Retrieved from the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health website: Rethink. (2007). The PHC: a physical health check for mental health service users. Retrieved from the Rethink website: Rethink. (2007). Physical Health Check Information Resource. Retrieved from the mental health shop website:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Essay On The North Coast Town Essay

There are multiple connotations of discovery that could be analyzed and explored in the poem north coast town by Robert Gary. Two main principles of discovery that could be allocated throughout the poem is the illustration of the small town becoming more commercialized, illustrated by the persona. From evaluating the poem, the audience is able to recognize and understand that this north coast town was once a traditional Australian town, however it has transform due to the influences of Americas California. One poetical device that Robert Gary manipulates in his poem north coast town to elaborate the image of time going by slowly is alliteration and reputation. From the quote† car after car now†¦Ã¢â‚¬  located in the third stanza third line, the readers can see that the persona is standing and watching what is happing in the town. The persona can see that this north coast town is changing excessively through period of time due to the influence of America. ‘(With their men’s locked), a closed hamburger stand â€Å" locked and closed are diction words composed by the composer suggesting that people are not made to fell welcome here, no trust. It could also suggest that the member of the town has changed so much from commercialism to â€Å" tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours† Another technique that the composer has operated throughout his poem to convey the concepts of discovery made by the persona is visual imagery. If you investigate the first line of the fourth stanza† a car slowed and I chased it.two hoods going shooting. Tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours. Rev in high streets, drop their first can† the composer generates build up words in hoods, shooting, tattoos, greasy, rev and drop to associate the members of the town with tough, destructive, drunk and uncaring males. They display a lack of concern for their environment, littering it. As a result the audience of the poem is contributed a image of the characteristics of the members of the town having lack in spiritual and modern values, there a bit behind time having the fifties pompadour hair cuts in the seventies. The tattoos on the members of the town represent the rebellious as only the rebels got tattoos in seventies. All these characteristics and features of  the characterizes of the town is produced by employing a colloquial language technique in the forth stanza, especially ‘rev in high street, drop their first can demonstrating and leaving a negative impact of the members of the town on the audience. Robert Gary has also used third person language in the last stanza† they’re making California’. Distancing the poet from the changes in Australia. There is a negative feeling towards trying to change the Australian landscape to California-an image that doesn’t meet our landscape. Robert gray has also used contrast in the last stanza comparing the abo to California, isolating the aboriginal person from the audience attentention to the ‘real’ and ‘original’ Australia has been violated and taken over comparing to the landscape to been violated and taken over by the influence of California. In conclusion, it has come to my understanding that Robert Gary, Australia’s finest poet has written this poem about a north coast town which is/has been under the influence of the characteristics and features of Americas California. As a result, changing the structure and behaviors of the members of the town. From understanding this poem as a reader I have understand that the persona is going through a physical and mental discovery as he/she observes the towns and the changes that had occurred over time and how members of the town have been influenced by Americanism and commercialism.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business Law - s 18 of the Australian Consumer Law within the Assignment

Business Law - s 18 of the Australian Consumer Law within the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (ACL) - Assignment Example t it is, how it is applied, the difference from the previous law, its sections; specifically section 18, the effect on State laws, and its limits considering the common law application. These are discussed under specific questions as given below. The Australian Consumer law is single national law about fair trading and consumer protection. It is uniform in each State and Territory, as well as nationally. This law was implemented in January 2011 and provides the consumers with the same expectations and protections about business conduct in Australia. Businesses are also guided by this law about their obligation whenever they operate in Australia. The Australian Consumer Law is a replacement of 20 different national consumer laws and applies as the Commonwealth law of Australia. It clarifies understanding of the law for businesses as well as consumers2. It is an agenda to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, and it is implemented by all Australian courts and tribunals including those of Territories and States. Since it is a law of the Commonwealth, ACL is a law of its jurisdiction in each Territory and State so that the same provisions apply everywhere in Australia. The requirement that products and services be treated the same way has also seen the law reflected in comparable conditions, in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act2001. ACL is administered by each Territory and State’s consumer law agency, and the ACCC3;4. The Australian Consumer law has brought man changes. It was designed to foster competition, and provide consumers with confidence to participate in markets in which both businesses and consumers trade fairly. It was designed to empower and protect the consumer hence improve the consumers’ well being. It was also designed to reduce costs to business through the provision of the law as a single uniform law for all parts of Australia. The ACL provides new protections for consumers which these are; increased protection from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Immigration and Asylum Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Immigration and Asylum Law - Essay Example There comes a point at which, for some prolonged and unavoidable separation from this group seriously inhibits their ability to live full and fulfilling lives† (p89). Considering the psychological nature of human beings, the above statement affirms that human beings often interact as they live in sociable settings.2 As such human beings develop close relationships with each other to a point of desiring uninterrupted privacy of their persons or property. In the same light, humans derive a sense of belonging from their family members including spouses, children and other close relative. Therefore, anything including removal or deportation that threatens to separate such close family ties will be deemed to interfere with the victim’s right to enjoy private or family life. This paper therefore seeks to examine the relevance of the above mentioned statement with respect to immigration and asylum law. Besides, the paper provides critical arguments and practical circumstances u nder which the immigration and asylum law broadens its understanding to the reasoning of Lord Bingham. To that end, the arguments herein shall add to the archives of knowledge practical applications of the immigration and asylum law beyond the corridors of justice. 2. The statement was alluded in delivering the verdict in Huang and Kashmiri v SSHD [2007] UKHL 11 as depicted by Harvey, C 2000, Seeking Asylum in the UK: problems and prospects, London: Butterworths. The concept of Immigration and Asylum According to Hayes, Humphries and Cohen (2004, p162), immigration refers to the movement of persons from one state to another for purposes of seeking employment, visitation or temporary residence. In additions, the... From this research it is clear that immigration refers to the movement of persons from one state to another for purposes of seeking employment, visitation or temporary residence. In additions, the idea translates to the entry into another country other than the country of origin regardless of the protocol followed. As such, immigration could either be legal or illegal. With respect to the legality of movement, nations have developed amicable structures defining the procedures and circumstances under which the immigration relations apply. Moreover, the need to have a common method of handling foreign nationals has also necessitated the instrumentation of the immigration law in line with international standards of justice, protection and interaction. Druckman and Stern posits that people who travel to other countries for reasons outlined in the immigration law are termed as immigrants. Such people may have to apply for work permits and travelling documents to allow their movements and operations within the country of immigration. It is therefore a matter of convention to accord all immigrants necessary protection and assistance to ensure that they have full access to means of livelihood, family relations, propriety of justice as well as free movement and association for the entire period of their stay. While the country enjoys the right of admission, it confers reasonable expectation of protection and assistance to its immigrants in return for their allegiance. In the event that such mutuality is breached, the admitting state reserves the right to expel such individual and their persons. It is then that the concept of deportation emanates.

Anthropogenic climate change and its effects Research Paper

Anthropogenic climate change and its effects - Research Paper Example Despite the fact, that many European and Western countries have ensured strict measures against growing population yet many Asian, African and Latin American countries in the world have failed to understand the same (DiMento & Doughman, 2007). Despite the fact that these people present great opportunities for the nations in form of young working people, youth, which is full of energy, and contribute to overall economic growth of country; however, on a global basis, every human is brining with himself the potential to create more pollution and climatic damage to the planet earth (Hansjurgens & Antes, 2008). As mentioned earlier that this is one of the toughest choices because by restricting their populations these underdeveloped countries will put a brake on their future development and growth since without work force the same would not be possible. However, in order to ensure that the planet is face, it is important to undertake this decision (Bulkeley & Betsill, 2005). One of the bi ggest sources of pollution and climatic change has its roots in the greed of humankind in electricity generation, which not only disturb the atmosphere of earth but also disturbs the land as well. We are quickly running out of the world’s fuel resources and our hunger of exploring more fuels and consuming them is creating more pollutants and dangerous gases (Hoffman & Woody, 2008). Therefore, another decision would be to use solar energy all over the world to meet the energy requirements of the planet. Estimates indicate that the total energy which can be created by all of sun rays that are aimed at our planet in 24 hours are more than enough to meet the energy requirements of this planet for more than an year (Letcher, 2009). However, for implementing the same many countries will have to divert their funds from other developmental and non-developmental expenses to the creation, manufacturing, and use of solar energy systems (Hansjurgens & Antes, 2008). Furthermore, like the United States and other Western countries, these countries will have to ensure that tax exemptions and other economic measures are taken to pursue people for buying these solar energy panels. Furthermore, it may also require the planning and design of buildings and houses in such a way that they could install these panels on their roofs. In addition, this would also mean that the percentage of new skyscrapers would decrease significantly (Nelson & International Food Policy Research Institute 2009). Rather than building new mega cities, industries and others, nations will have to invest their fortunes in building and growing forests. It will have to give back to this planet what it has taken from the planet. Humankind has cut down billions of trees on this planet for the past couple of centuries to make room for its own buildings, cities and other mega structures. However, this is has created a serious misbalance in the overall atmosphere and ecosystems. By stopping the progress and growth of industries and planting trees instead, nations would be able to play their part in saving the planet (Hoffman & Woody, 2008). Plastic bags pose the biggest threat in terms of environmental degradation. These

Monday, August 26, 2019

Introduction to film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to film - Movie Review Example In Bruges involves serial killings by contactors who are under a supreme authority of a single employer. Harry Waters (Ralph) is the man behind all the occurrences in the movie. He employs Ken and Ray to eliminate his enemies. These two hit men must follow the instructions of Harry before undertaking any duty. While in Dublin, Harry sends the duo for a mission which turned out to be very awry. The sole objective of the mission was to kill a priest. However, one more individual is victimized in the course of the assassination. Ray shoots the priest but the bullet passes through and hits a young boy in the forehead. The boy dies on the spot. To save this situation, Harry sends Ken and Ray to a hideout in Bruges for two weeks. He wanted the issue of killing the boy to cool down. While in Bruges, Ray is haunted by the guilt of killing an innocent boy. He just can’t get it out of his mind however much Ken tries to dissuade him. Later, he gets over it and he is ready to start a new life with friends he found in Bruges. Harry, however, is not happy with the death of the child. He wants Ray to pay for it with his own life. He wants to see him dead. Therefore, calls Ken from Dublin telling him to kill Ray as a punishment. When Ken refuses to take the orders, Harry comes to Bruges to accomplish this assignment by himself. This movie has a theme of morality. The hit men continue to kill their victims without questioning the morality behind it. Some innocent individuals are killed in the course of these brutal acts. It is only later that the hit men come to regret their evil deeds. Besides, morality has been disregarded when these two men goes to church to kill a priest. Conventionally, it is not morally upright to kill in Church. Secondly, killing a child is just very detestable. The characters in the movie have depicted as having double standards. At the beginning of the movie, the three main characters Harry,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years Essay

Four Important Business Concepts that are Shaping Today and 20 Years from Now - Essay Example It also enables to develop the transportation system, to lower the trading costs and a reliable medium for exchange can be created for increasing the gains from trade. So, it can be stated that the early growth of government is associated with increase in the levels of income and increase in positive growths. (Saxton, 1998) It is very important to understand that failure can be observed in a free market at different time periods and it should have the ability to correct itself. The method of correction should be eliminating the less performing investments and businesses which dragged the market down. But the US lost their belief in the natural correction mechanism of free market at the time of financial crisis and started to correct the market by artificial measures. The existence of SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission alone gives an indication that the US economy is not a free market. Following the market crash of 1929 the Federal government took steps for preventing the fraud corporations from performing audits of these companies. The federal government of US also regulated the market at the end of the 19th century. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) was created to control and regulate the companies those who were not maintaining the purity law. A minimum wage for the nation was also established by forming the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. All these show that the Federal government of America has a great influence on the market by regulating it, which in turn makes the American market limited in nature and it does not exhibit a pure capitalist system (Clark, n.d.). The above mentioned government regulations are also invariable during the phase of calm and prosperity. But, they tend to crop up during the times of crisis; year 2008 is a good example of a managed economy. In addition, the federal government also intervened during ‘takeover of Mae and Mac’ and the ‘buy in of AIG’. The federal government also formed the CAFE reg ulation as mandate about the fuel consumption issue (Richman, 1988). These things show corporations cannot exercise or regulate the market but government with its authority can regulate market according to their will. So, if government wants to regulate the market there is no scope of rejection about the issue. These clearly indicate the regulatory power of the federal government and also shows American market is still not a purely capitalist market (Clark, n.d.). 2. Labor movement in America played a significant role in history. People came to America as laborers as servants or slaves. Although during the period of revolution the unions were merely a temporary band of people, this helped to set the stage for the modern day unionization of the workers. For these unions laborers enjoy many benefits today. These unions mainly advocated hikes in labor wages and shorter working hours. But the most concerning issue was after achieving the goals, these unions used to disintegrate. America was growing and so was the demand of labor. At that time many inventions and innovations occurred and a transition was also evident in America i.e. change of American society from an agricultural society to an industrial society. This transition was termed as the Industrial Revolution

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Since the 1960s, a growing number of people have been moving away from Essay - 2

Since the 1960s, a growing number of people have been moving away from villages and small towns to big cities in both developed - Essay Example In â€Å"The Root Causes of Migration† published by Maryland Catholic Conference, it illustrates the different and various reasons or purposes for moving permanently to the bigger cities. The most common reason is usually based on economics and financial matters. In the area of social science, there is a certain law which describes the different causes or factors for the occurrence of migration. Called Lee’s laws, it separates and breaks up the different factors into two sections called the push and the pull factors. The push factors are the different causes that influence and make people want to move away and be pushed out of an area. The people from the rural areas suffer from the lack of job opportunities, bad and awful environmental conditions such as pollution and being prone to natural disasters like fire, drought, flood, landslides, social unfairness such as bullying, teasing, racism, discrimination and even religious persecution. Other pull factors include loss of wealth, poor housing and conflicts or wars around the area. The pull factors are the opposite. They are the various reasons that attract people and pull them into an area. The most common reason for people to move into an area from rural areas is for better job opportunities. In the third chapter of â€Å"People on the Move,† there are also other reasons and purposes why people are attracted to settle permanently in amore urbanized location rather than staying in the rural parts of the country. Some of these are better living conditions. This mostly talks about the environmental conditions such as being less prone to environmental problems and natural disasters. Education is also one of the common reasons. During these modern times, people now highly value the quality of education that one gets because this is the gateway not only for their financial success in life, but also for their family’s freedom from poverty and financial struggles. In both developing and dev eloped nations, migration is being done and the numbers are getting higher and higher every year. The Philippines, which is a developing country in Southeast Asia, is experiencing such an increase in the number of migrants who came from the rural areas that are flocking to the most urbanized region in the country, the capital, Metro Manila. People in this country are getting poorer and poorer everyday and it is clearly evident. That is the reason why most of the people grab the chance and go to Metro Manila, which gives them a hope of a better opportunity and chance in finding good jobs that will somehow and in some way improve the financial status of their families. The intelligent, the skilled and the talented leave the provinces where they live in order to get better chances at life. This great migration that is currently happening in the Philippines has impacted and greatly influenced the development of the country. There are numerous effects that this migration has caused. When all of the brilliant and bright move and gather at one urban area such as in Manila, the provinces and the small towns and rural areas are left undeveloped and from slow, they become slower and slower. It is seen that in certain towns and municipalities, whatever it looked like a decade ago, it still looks the same until now because development is very slow in these areas. Additionally, in developing countries, once people

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gender Across Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gender Across Cultures - Essay Example The chromosome construction of males and females are different. According to biological analysis XX-type chromosomes are found in females and XY-type of chromosomes are found in males. However, there are various effects of society, ethnicity and culture that complete the behaviour and identity of men and women based on the difference in the gender group (Zevin, 2014, p.57). The impact of ethnicity and culture over sex and gender can be clearly illustrated with the help of the research of Margaret Mead. Margaret explained about different cultures with wide variety of examples. According to Margaret’s research it has been observed that the native people of New Guinea have completely different approach towards the two major genders that represent the human society. For example, the people of Tchambuli culture in New Guinea have represented women to be the leading members in their society (Wetherell, 2001, p.88). Females have the ultimate control of economic life and they work tow ards the betterment of people. According to the research it has been observed that the women participate in different type of professions to earn their living. The males of the society generally participate in arts and theatres. The males of the society do-not have any direct control over the regulation of economy of the Tchambuli society. The Tchambuli women have been found to be engaging themselves in manufacturing of products and food. The initiations of sexual relations are also taken by the females of the society.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Outline the Important Features of Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free

Outline the Important Features of Utilitarianism Essay The word Utilitarianism comes from the Latin word ‘utilitis’ meaning useful. This traditional ethical theory stemmed from the late 18th and 19th centuries. The Principle of Utility is a teological theory popularised by the late British philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. Its basic meaning suggests it’s the total consequences of an action which determine how morally right or wrong an action is. If the amount of happiness produced in an action overrides the unhappiness produced by an action, the action is determined right. An example of this would be an abortion. Jeremy Bentham was a man of extraordinary intellectual gifts; at the age three he began to study Latin and at the age of sixteen he took his degree at Oxford University. He introduced Act Utilitarianism; every act is evaluated on whether it does or does not produce happiness/pleasure. ‘The greatest happiness for the greatest number’. This insinuates that the amount of people made happy through an act is more important than the quality of their happiness, regardless of the consequences. However, there could be problems with this theory as Phillip Pettit indicated in the quote ‘so long as they promised the best consequences†¦ it would forbid absolutely nothing: not rape, not torture, not even murder. ’ Indicating that Act Utilitarianism could be an excuse to commit dreadful crimes such as murder it may create happiness for the person that committed the murder. It is also difficult to measure the quantity of pleasure or pain in an action. Yet, this theory is still a vital feature of Utilitarianism because it encourages people to think about the consequences of their actions before they perform the act. See more: essay apa format Consequently, Bentham introduced the Hedonic Calculus. The Hedonic Calculus proposes the idea that human pleasures and pains are measurable and that actions can be judged on whether they are considered right or wrong. There are seven factors that are considered when making this decision; it’s intensity (how pleasurable or painful the action is); the duration (how long the pleasure or pain will last); certainty (how sure of the pleasure of pain you are); propinquity/ remoteness (how near the pleasure or pain is); fecundity (the chance of being followed by similar sensations); purity (the chance of it not being followed by sensations of the opposite kind); and extent (the number of individuals affected by it). Nevertheless, John Stuart Mill stated that (happiness is) ‘much too complex and indefinite’ (to be the measure of the moral worth of an action). Connoting, the amount of happiness/pleasure in an action is an individual process. It’s subjective not objective. However the Hedonic Calculus is no doubt an essential feature of Utilitarianism as it is important to consider what makes an action morally right or wrong. Furthermore, Bentham’s disciple and friend, John Stuart Mill introduced Rule Utilitarianism. Rule Utilitarianism measures the consequences of the act repeated over and over again through time, to be followed as a rule whenever certain circumstances arise. It is assesses how morally right or wrong an act is. Mill stressed the importance of ‘The Greatest happiness for the greatest principle’ and the significance of quality over quantity. Implying the extent of the happiness is more important than how many people the happiness affects. He argued that it is the promotion of pleasures and the prevention of pain that determine our moral decisions. However what Mill failed to recognise was that it goes against human rights. So crimes as awful as murder may be considered acceptable in some cases. It could also be argued that Rule Utilitarianism ignores the consequences of the act. Rule Utilitarianism is still a very important theory as it aims to provide the most happiness/ pleasure for people as possible. Leading on, Mill introduced the idea of higher and lower pleasures. Namely those of the mind (intellectual pleasures such as learning a language) are higher pleasures. Whilst body pleasures such as eating are lower pleasures. The higher pleasures are considered more prime and important than lower pleasures. Mill declared ‘it is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. ’ Implying humans are capable of experiencing much higher pleasures than animals. Mill ‘on Liberty’ stated ‘the only part of conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others’. Suggesting that individuals should care and be concerned by how others think and feel. Conversely, the problem with this theory is that it is difficult to measure the amount of pleasure someone feels. In conclusion, although Utilitarianism is very useful when evaluating the consequences of an action, this theory does not consider the moral righteousness of an action. It is also very difficult to measure the amount of pleasure produced from action. The amount of pleasure can also differ depending on the individual.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gatsby Automobile Essay Essay Example for Free

Gatsby Automobile Essay Essay There are many different themes, images, and symbols in Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby that render great importance to the development of the story. One particular image and symbol seen throughout Fitzgerald’s novel that acts as a major contributor to the plot is the automobile. The image of the automobile can be seen in relation with any of the characters in the novel who involve themselves in with driving an automobile or even simply talking about an automobile. Two characters in the novel that Fitzgerald uses to portray the images and symbols of the automobile are Tom Buchannan and Jay Gatsby. These two automobile owners are created into the strongest conductors of Fitzgerald’s imagery and symbolism throughout the novel. The automobile can be seen as representing a few different types of images and symbols. A possible symbol of the automobile may stand for the respective automobile owner’s status in society. Almost all automobiles in the nineteen-twenties were black and just about as plain as could be. These black automobiles were owned by all those who could just barely afford an automobile, to those who were average, middle class people, to the extremely wealthy who could easily afford three or four automobiles. What makes this piece of history so important is the fact that Fitzgerald gives both Tom and Gatsby brightly colored automobiles. The personalities of these two characters effortlessly magnifies the showiness and in Gatsby’s case, gaudiness. Gatsby’s absolutely obnoxious Rolls Royce is â€Å"a rich cream color, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in its monstrous length with triumphant hat-boxes and supper-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced with a labyrinth of windshields that mirrored a dozen suns. † No one in the nineteen-twenties had such an untasteful looking automobile that Gatsby. One obvious and straightforward possible explanation for Gatsby’s hideous automobile is that he wants to show off his wealth, status, and â€Å"success† in his many trades. Another not so obvious reason for this hideous yellow automobile could be an image produced by Fitzgerald to try to illustrate Gatsby’s need to reach out and grasp Daisy’s attention. Unfortunately, because Gatsby was formerly a much lower class man, living on a farm out west with his family, his wealth and riches cannot buy him any class or style. A very similar situation can be seen with Tom Buchannan and his automobiles. He too, is very showy and flashy in his actions to show the world his possessions. Tom, like Gatsby, has an unusual colored car. This blue automobile is a symbol of wealth, status, and riches, just like Gatsby, but it can represent another image. Every single time Tom heads over to Wilson’s Garage for some gas or to see Myrtle, Wilson asks Tom about purchasing his old automobile. Tom plainly and seemingly without thinking puts the topic off to the side as if it wasn’t important and he didn’t want to talk about it. Sadly for Wilson, the automobile in a sense symbolizes Myrtle. Tom pushes the car aside as if it didn’t matter much at all to him, just like he uses Myrtle and makes all those empty promises to her about trying to divorce Daisy and being together forever. The images and symbols throughout The Great Gatsby create many dimensions to such a superb plot and character development. These amazing images set up by Fitzgerald give the novel a complete feel of full development. Fitzgerald ties in all the different elements of the story by using the one simple entity of the automobile.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Quality of Working Life and Work Schedule

Quality of Working Life and Work Schedule In recent past the term Quality of Work Life QWL has appeared in research journals and the press with remarkable regularity. The increasing concern for QWL has been due to several factors: (a) increase in education level and consequently job aspirations of employees, (b) association of workers, (C) significance of human resource management, (d) widespread industrial unrest, (e) growing of knowledge in human behavior, etc. The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts recruits, motivates, and retains its workforce. Todays organizations need to be more flexible so that they are equipped to develop their workforce and enjoy their commitment. Therefore, organizations are required to adopt a strategy to improve the employees quality of work life (QWL) to satisfy both the organizational objectives and employee needs. This article reviews the meaning of QWL, Models and Components of QWL, criteria of measuring QWL, issues, dimensions, principles of QWL and Various wo rk schedule alternatives. KEY WORDS Quality, Quality of Work Life, Human Relations, Flexi-time, Compressed Workweek, Telecommuting, Job Sharing. 1.1 What is Quality of Work Life? The term Quality of Working Life (QWL) has an assortment of meanings for different persons. According to J. Richard and J. Loy, QWL means, the degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy important personnel needs through their experience in the organization. Some regard it as industrial democracy, that is, more of employee participation in the management process. For managers and administrators, the term denotes improvement in the working conditions and respect of psychological needs. Trade unions and blue collar workers construe it as more job security, equitable profit sharing and healthy working conditions. For rest, the term takes a broad view of changing the organizational climate, structure and managerial system. QWL refers to the favorableness or un-favorableness of a total job environment of the people. QWL is the degree of which work in the organization contributes to material and psychological well being of its members. Harrison. One expert defines QWL as a process of joint decision making, collaborating and building mutual respect between management and employees. D.S. Cohan: The Quality of Work Life Movement Training,HRD, Jan.1979,p.24. During 1979, the American Society of Training and Development created a Task Force on the quality of working life, defines QWL as, QWL is a process of work organizations which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and efficiently in shaping the organizations environment, goals of enhanced effectiveness of the organization and improved quality of life at work for the employees. The basic purpose of QWL is to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for the economic health of the organization. QWL provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the higher order needs of workers as well as their more basic needs. It seeks to employ the higher skills of workers and to provide an environment that encourages improving their skills. Q Quest for excellence U Understanding A Action L Leadership I Involvement of the people T Team spirit Y Yardstick to measure progress Quality of Work life is concerned with the following types of questions: J.R. Hackman and J.Ll Suttle: Improving Life at Work, Goodyear Pub.Co.Inc., California, 1977. How to develop careers that allow employees to realize their full capabilities and interests? How to design jobs to provide meaningful, interesting and challenging work experience? How to utilize group dynamics and participative management to improve the quality of life at the workplace? What supervisory strategies help to improve the quality of work life? How can the desired organizational changes be carried out? Quality of working life has been differentiated from the broader concept of quality of life. To some degree, this may be overly simplistic, as Elizur and Shye, (1990) concluded that quality of work performance is affected by quality of life as well as quality of working life. However, it will be argued here that the specific attention to work-related aspects of quality of life is valid. Whilst quality of life has been more widely studied, quality of working life remains relatively unexplored and unexplained. A review of the literature reveals relatively little on quality of working life. Where quality of working life has been explored, writers differ in their views on its core constituents. It is argued that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts as regards quality of working Life, and, therefore, the failure to attend to the bigger picture may lead to the failure of interventions which tackle only one aspect. A clearer understanding of the inter-relationship of the various facets of quality of working life offers the opportunity for improved analysis of cause and effect in the workplace. This consideration of quality of working Life as the greater context for various factors in the workplace, such as job satisfaction and stress, may offer opportunity for more cost-effective interventions in the workplace. The effective targeting of stress reduction, for example, may otherwise prove a hopeless task for employers pressured to take action to meet governmental requirements. Wikipedia 1.2 Models and components of quality of working life Various authors and researchers have suggested models of quality of working life which are as follows: Hackman and Oldham (1976) in their research The Job Diagnostic Survey. New Haven: Yale University drew attention to what they described as psychological growth needs as relevant to the consideration of Quality of working life. Several such needs were identified: Skill variety, Task Identity, Task significance, Autonomy and Feedback. They suggested that such needs have to be addressed if employees are to experience high quality of working life. In contrast to such theory based models, Taylor (1979) in The quality of working life in Western and Eastern Europe. ABP more pragmatically identified the essential components of quality of working life as basic extrinsic job factors of wages, hours and working conditions, and the intrinsic job notions of the nature of the work itself. He suggested that a number of other aspects could be added, including: individual power, employee participation in the management, fairness and equity, social support, use of ones present skills, self development, a meaningful future at work, social relevance of the work or product, effect on extra work activities. Taylor suggested that relevant quality of working life concepts may vary according to organisation and employee group. Warr, P, Cook, J and Wall, T (1979) Scales for the measurement of some work attitudes and aspects of psychological well being. Journal of Occupational Psychology. 52, 129-148., in an investigation of quality of working life, considered a range of apparently relevant factors, including: work involvement, intrinsic job motivation, higher order need strength, perceived intrinsic job characteristics, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, happiness, and self-rated anxiety. They discussed a range of correlations derived from their work, such as those between work involvement and job satisfaction, intrinsic job motivation and job satisfaction, and perceived intrinsic job characteristics and job satisfaction. In particular, Warr et al. found evidence for a moderate association between total job satisfaction and total life satisfaction and happiness, with a less strong, but significant association with self-rated anxiety. Thus, whilst some authors have emphasized the workplace aspects in quality of working life, others have identified the relevance of personality factors, psychological well being, and broader concepts of happiness and life satisfaction. Factors more obviously and directly affecting work has, however, served as the main focus of attention, as researchers have tried to tease out the important influences on quality of working life in the workplace. Mirvis and Lawler (1984) suggested that quality of working life was associated with satisfaction with wages, hours and working conditions, describing the basic elements of a good quality of work life as: safe work environment, equitable wages, equal employment opportunities and opportunities for advancement. Baba and Jamal (1991) listed what they described as typical indicators of quality of working life, including: job satisfaction, job involvement, work role ambiguity, work role conflict, work role overload, job stress, organisational commitment and turn-over intentions. Baba and Jamal also explored routinisation of job content, suggesting that this facet should be investigated as part of the concept of quality of working life. Some have argued that quality of working life might vary between groups of workers. For example, Ellis and Pompli (2002) identified a number of factors contributing to job dissatisfaction and quality of working life in nurses, including: poor working environments, resident aggression, workload, innability to deliver quality of care preferred, balance of work and family, shiftwork, lack of involvement in decision making, professional isolation, lack of recognition, poor relationships with supervisor/peers, role conflict, lack of opportunity to learn new skills. Sirgy et al. (2001) suggested that the key factors in quality of working life are: need satisfaction based on job requirements, need satisfaction based on work environment, need satisfaction based on supervisory behaviour, need satisfaction based on ancillary programmes, organizational commitment. They defined quality of working life as satisfaction of these key needs through resources, activities, and outcomes stemming from participation in the workplace. Needs as defined by the psychologist, Abraham Maslow, were seen as relevant in underpinning this model, covering health safety, economic and family, social, esteem, actualization, knowledge and aesthetics, although the relevance of non-work aspects is play down as attention is focused on quality of work life rather than the broader concept of quality of life. These attempts at defining quality of working life have included theoretical approaches, lists of identified factors, correlation analyses, with opinions varying as to whether such definitions and explanations can be both global, or need to be specific to each work setting. Bearfield,(2003) used 16 questions to examine quality of working life, and distinguished between causes of dissatisfaction in professionals, intermediate clerical, sales and service workers, indicating that different concerns might have to be addressed for different groups. The distinction made between job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in quality of working life reflects the influence of job satisfaction theories. Herzberg at al., (1959) used Hygiene factors and Motivator factors to distinguish between the separate causes of job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. It has been suggested that Motivator factors are intrinsic to the job, that is; job content, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. The Hygiene factors or dissatisfaction-avoidance factors include aspects of the job environment such as interpersonal relationships, salary, working conditions and security. Of these latter, the most common cause of job dissatisfaction can be company policy and administration, whilst achievement can be the greatest source of extreme satisfaction. An individuals experience of satisfaction or dissatisfaction can be substantially rooted in their perception, rather than simply reflecting their real world. Further, an individuals perception can be affected by relative comparison am I paid as much as that person and comparisons of internalized ideals, aspirations, and expectations, for example, with the individuals current state (Lawler and Porter, 1966). In summary, where it has been considered, authors differ in their views on the core constituents of Quality of Working Life (e.g. Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel Lee, 2001 and Warr, Cook Wall, 1979). It has generally been agreed however that Quality of Working Life is conceptually similar to well-being of employees but differs from job satisfaction which solely represents the workplace domain (Lawler, 1982) Quality of Working Life is not a unitary concept, but has been seen as incorporating a hierarchy of perspectives that not only include work-based factors such as job satisfaction, satisfaction with pay and relationships with work colleagues, but also factors that broadly reflect life satisfaction and general feelings of well-being (Danna Griffin, 1999). More recently, work-related stress and the relationship between work and non-work life domains (Loscocco Roschelle, 1991) have also been identified as factors that should conceptually be included in Quality of Working Life. 1.3 Criteria for measuring QWL Richard E. Walton explains QWL in terms of eight broad conditions of employment that constitute desirable QWL. The proposed the same criteria for measuring QWL. These criteria/ conditions include: Adequate and fair compensation Safe and health working conditions Opportunity to use and develop human capacities Contrary to the traditional assumptions, QWL is improvedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ to the extent that the worker can exercise more control over his or her work, and the degree to which the job embraces an entire meaningful task but not a part of it. Further, QWL provides for opportunities like autonomy in work and participation in planning in order to use human capabilities. Opportunity for Career growth Opportunities for promotion are limited in case of all categories of Employees either gibe to educational barriers or limited openings at higher Level. QWL provides opportunities for continue growth and security by Expanding ones capabilities, knowledge and Qualification. Social integration in the workforce This can be established by creating freedom from prejudice, Supporting primary work groups, a sense of community inter-personnel Openness, egalitarianism and upward mobility. Constitutionalism in work Organization QWL provides constitutional protection to the employees only to the Level of desirability on such matters as privacy, free speech, equity and due Process. Work and QWL QWL provide for balanced relationship among work, non-work, and Family aspects of life. In other words, family life and social life should be Strain by working hours including over time work, work during inconvenient Hours, business travel, transfers, vacations etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Social relevance of work QWL is concerned about the establishment of social relevance to work in a socially beneficial manner. The workers self-esteem would be high if this work is useful to the society and vice versa is also true. It is worth nothing that often the condition that contribute to motivation like equitable salaries, financial incentives, effective employee selection etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.will also contribute indirectly to QWL. Some of these activities like job enrichment might contribute indirectly to QWL by tapping the workers high-order need, and motivating them. Still other activities may contribute directly to QWL providing for a safer work place, less discrimination on the job, and so forth. 1.4 Specific issues in QWL Trade unions claim that they are responsible for the improvements in various facilities to the workers where as management takes credit fro improved salaries, benefits and facilities. However, HR manger has Specific issues in providing them so as to maintain a higher order QWL. Klott, Mundick and Schusterd suggested 11 major QWL issues, they are as follows: Pay and stability of employment Good pay still dominates most of the other factors in employee Satisfaction. Various alternative means for providing wages should be developed in view of increase in cost of living index, increase in levels and rates of income tax and profession tax . Enhancing the facilities for human resource development can provide stability to a greater extent. Occupational stress Stress is a condition of strain on ones emotions, thought process and physical condition. It is determined by the nature or work, working conditions, working hours, pause in the work schedule, workers abilities and nature and match with the job requirements. Stress is caused due to irritability, hyper excitation or depression, unstable behavior, fatigue stuttering, trembling, psychosomatic pains, heavy smoking and drug abuse. Stress adversely affects employees productivity. The HR manager, in order to minimize the stress, has to identify, prevent, and tackle the problem. He may arrange for the treatment of the problem with the health unit of the company. Organizational health programs Effective implementation of health programs result in reduction in absenteeism, hospitalization, disability, excessive job turnover and premature death. They should also cover relaxation, physical exercise, diet control etc.., Alternative work schedules Alternative work schedules including work at home, flexible working hours, staggered hours, reduced work week, part time employment that may be introduced for the convenience and comfort of the workers. Participative management control Workers feel that they have control and over their work, use their Skills and make a real contribution to the job if they are allowed to Participate in creative and decision making process. Recognition Recognizing employee as a human being rather than as a laborer Increases the QWL. Participative management award and reward System, congratulating the employees for their achievement, job Enrichment, offering prestigious to the jobs, providing well Furnished and decent work place offering membership in clubs or Associations, providing vehicles or some of the means to recognize the Employees. Congenial superior sub-ordinate relationships Harmonious supervisor workers relations give the worker a sense of Social association, a sense of belongingness; we should not ignore the Impact of social relations at the work place the productivity resulting from this. Grievance procedure Proper grievance procedure that is quick and justified gives employees an opportunity to vent their feelings and represent their case. Adequacy of resources Resources should match with the stated objectives, otherwise, Employees will not able to attain them resulting in employee dissatisfaction and lower QWL. Senior merit in promotions Companies either take seniority or merit as basis for promoting the employees, each of these methods have their relative disadvantages and hence it is advisable to take both of them together in promotion policy there by resulting in higher QWL. Employment on permanent basis Job security adds a lot not to QWL, for employees working on Temporary basis or on probation are constantly worried about this. Employing them on permanent basis reduces their sense of insecurity and enhances the QWL. 1.5 Dimensions of QWL According to Richard Walton, the main aspects of QWL are as follows: 1.6 Principles of QWL N.Q. Herrick and M. Maccoby: Humanizing Work: A Priority Goal of the 1970s in L.E. Davis and A.B Cherns: The QWL, Free Press, New York, 1975, has stated 4 basic principles to improve the QWL: 1. The Principle of Security Quality of work life cannot be improved until employees are relieved of the anxiety, fear and loss of future employment. The working condition must be safe and economic want should be eliminated. Job security and safety against occupational hazards is an essential precondition of humanization of work. 2. The Principle of Equity There should be direct and positive relation between effort and reward. All types of discrimination between people doing similar work and with same level of performance must be eliminated. 3. The Principle of Individualism Employees differ in terms of their attitudes, skill, potential, etc. Therefore, every individual should be provided the opportunity for development of his personality and potential. 4. Principle of Democracy This means greater authority and responsibility to employees. Stop Cribbing! Our Work Cultures the Best It might surprise many. But Indian Inc has emerged top in a recent survey on high performance work culture in Asia Pacific Region. Indian Companies which accounted for over one-third of the respondents consistently outperformed their counterparts from Singapore, South Korea, China and Australia on Parameters like Strategic goals, leaders as role models, employee communication, talent attraction and attention, effective processes, etc. Source: The Economic Times, June, 2003 1.7 How to Improve Quality of Working Life Fair and Equitable remuneration. Reasonable stability of employment. Employee Health and Safety Programmes. Alternative Work Schedules. Participative Management. Recognition of employees as human beings. Grievance Procedure and effective leadership. Management of Employee Stress. Job Redesign and Enrichment. (Gupta C.B Human Resource Management pub: Sultan Chand Sons, edition 2009.) 2.1 Work Schedules One of the most important techniques of improving the Quality of Work Life is to improve the Work Schedule. Various alternative Work Schedules are: Compressed Workweek Some organizations have introduced short work week, that is, instead of coming 6 or 5 days a week, the employees only have to work for 4 days. But the no. of working hour per day is increased say, 10 hours per day which makes to 40 hours per week. Advantages More leisure time Decreased commuting time Decreased request for time for personal matters Disadvantages Decreased employee productivity due to longer day Underutilization of equipment Increased fatigue Flexitime Flexitime is a system whereby employees are required to work a specific no of hours a week but are free to vary the hours of work within certain limits. Each day consists of a common ore, usually of 4 hours, excluding Lunch hour. For example, the core may be 10 am to 3 pm with the office actual opening at 7 am and closing at 6 pm. All employees should be at their jobs during the common core period but they are free to fashion their personal schedules they prefer. Flexible Hour Common Core Lunch Common Core Flexible Hour 7 p.m 3 p.m 10 a.m 7 a.m Source: D.A. Ralston and M.F. Flanagan, the effect of Flexitime on Absenteeism and Turnover for Male and Female Employees, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, April 1985,pp 206-17. Advantages Higher morale Lower absenteeism Longer Length of Service Disadvantages It cannot be implemented at all when the work requires al employees to be present at the same time. It may produce problem to the manger in directing subordinates outside the core time period. Cause confusion where there is shift or interdependent work. Telecommuting Working from home with the help of internet technology is one of the ways of being a part of an organization. Instead of visiting the office daily, the employee is given the option to work from home for some specific duration. It is mainly suitable for research based works, data entry, etc. Advantages Saves time and effort Cost effective No commuting problem Job Sharing It may also be stated as shift working, wherein, 2 persons share same job, say one works in the morning and the other in the afternoon or at night. (Source: Chhabra .T.N.Human Resource Management) 3.1 Conclusion Quality of work life covers various aspects under the general umbrella of supportive organizational behavior. QWL has gained deserved prominence in the Organizational Behavior as an indicator of the overall of human experience in the work place. It expresses a special way of thinking about people, their work and the organizational in which careers are fulfilled.

Anylasis of Humbert :: essays research papers

Humbert Humbert   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humbert Humbert in the book Lolita is the type of person who will do anything to satisfy his needs. When Humbert is institutionalized in an insane asylum he toys with the doctors. Once he got to a certain age Humbert felt like he needed to get married to suppress his sexual desires, so he did. Later on Humbert realizes the only way he can be with Lolita is by marrying her mother, Charlotte. After Hubert loses his control on Lolita he gets the need to get revenge on the person who has taken Lolita from him. A person can grow up into being a very needy person or someone who always needs to be in control by how they are raised and their surroundings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second instance of Humbert goes into a mental asylum he manipulates the doctors making them believe false diagnoses. He gets a certain joy from tricking the doctors. Humbert describes the joy: â€Å"I discovered there was an endless source of robust enjoyment in trifling with psychiatrists: cunningly leading them on; never letting them see that you know all the tricks of the trade, inventing for them elaborate dreams†¦ teasing them with fake primal scenes†¦ (Nabokov 34) He goes to certain extremes to satisfy his wants. Humbert goes as far as bribing a nurse so he can see that the doctors were misdiagnosing him. This back and forth with the doctors was nothing more than a game for Humber. This type of control was making him really happy so he decided to stay even longer than he needed to at the insane asylum. â€Å"The sport was so excellent, in results in my case so ruddy that I stayed on for a whole month after I was quite well. And then I added another week just for the pleasure of taking on a powerful newcomer.† (Nabokov 34)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once he became a young adult Humbert knew that he needed to repress his sexual desires for young nymphets so he married Valeria. When he married Valeria, she was a very young looking polish girl. This way he was able to be with someone that reminded him of nymphets and still able to have a certain sense of security. â€Å"†¦what really attracted me to Valeria was the imitation she gave of a little girl.† (Nabokov 25) Humbert didn’t really love her he was just using her for her young looks.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Versatility of the Hemp Plant :: Hemp

The Versatility of the Hemp Plant The hemp plant shows its unique versatility by having many uses in industry. Hemp has many distinct benefits over its counterparts in industry today. Hemp usage would result in a cleaner and more efficient industry. One use of hemp in industry is as a fiber. The process of converting hemp into a fiber is quite simple, and is easy to do. The stalk of the hemp plant has two parts, called the bast and the hurd. Workers can weave the fiber (bast) of the hemp plant into almost any kind of cloth. It is very durable. In fact, the first Levi's blue jeans were made out of hemp for just this reason. Compared with all the other natural fibers available, hemp is more suitable for a large number of applications. It is easy to harvest hemp for fiber. A field of closely spaced hemp is allowed to grow until the leaves fall off. They then cut down the hemp and it lies in the field for some time washed by the rain. They turn it over once to expose both sides of the stalk evenly. During this time, the hurd softens up and it returns many minerals to the soil. They call this process `retting,' and after this step is complete, they bring the stalks to a machine that separates the bast and the hurd. They can then weave the bast. The cloth that hemp makes may be a little less soft than cotton, (though there are also special kinds of hemp, or ways to grow or treat hemp, that can produce a soft cloth) but it is much stronger and longer lasting. Hemp requires little fertilizer, and grows well almost everywhere. It also resists pests, so it uses little pesticides. Hemp puts down deep roots, which is good for the soil. When the leaves drop off the hemp plant, it returns minerals and nitrogen to the soil. Hemp has been grown on the same soil for twenty years in a row without any noticeable depletion of the soil. Using less fertilizer and agricultural chemicals is good for two reasons. First, it costs less and requires less effort. Second, many agricultural chemicals are dangerous and can co ntaminate the environment-the less we have to use, the better. Another industrial use for hemp is in victuals. Hemp seed is a highly nutritious source of protein and essential fatty oils.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

An Analysis of To His Coy Mistress :: To His Coy Mistress, Andrew Marvell

The poem, To His Coy Mistress, by Andrew Marvell brings out some actions that some of us have experienced or even thought about in this concise poem.   This poem is very appealing to the male senses and what some make are like.   Some women could be thought of when this is read. Andrew Marvell puts it in words that make it seem as if it was very acceptable.   The first twenty lines of the poem start to talk about how much this girl means to this perticular man.   The main character in the poem talks about how he will wait forever to be with her.   He mentions that â€Å"We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day.† (st. 3-4)   His views as of now are that he wants to take his time and he doesn’t have go anywhere.   This man certainly wants to plan things out so that it will be perfect.  Ã‚   Another line from the poem that makes him the gentleman that he is portraying to be is â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze. â€Å"(st.13-14)   I think he is saying that we will give praise to her eyes that are so magnificent.   Her eyes are so beautiful, because of which he will praise them for hundred years before they can truly be together.   Later on it mentions that he will praise her breast each for two hundred years.   The mood is set that this man certainly wants to be with this woman.   He is telling her how he feels and wants her to understand that he really wants to be with her.      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the next twelve lines we begin to see a bit of difference in the attitude.   As of now the guy is thinking, well maybe we don’t have enough time to sit around and wait.   The chariot’s of time is pointed out   by saying that it is hurrying near.   Maybe we don’t have enough time anymore.   We should hurry up and get with it.   â€Å"Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault shall sound.†(st. 25-26)   I imagine that he is telling her that if we wait to long then you shall be dead and then we would have never gotten the chance.   He is trying to tell her that they should hurry it up.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Charles Chocolate case Essay

Traelene beals â€Å"9am Friday† First, a formal case analysis – This should be written in a business style format using short paragraphs and sentences, self-explanatory headings, and any figures/tables that would facilitate reading. Reports are to be no longer than 2000 words (excluding appendices Issues to be addressed – No measures of productivity or efficiaency in the plant- no way of telling if the plant was doing a good job. Difficult demand forcasting due to seasonality of sales. 2 new stores had ok type sales. Best clients of Wholesale sales changed focus on cheaper items and also own products. Sales agents could be fired with 90 days notice. Other parts of US haven’t heard of us. Of the 221 wholesale customers purchase just $1000 worth of products. Other 125 purchase between 1000 and 2000 per year. Sales agents, don’t know how to represent the all products. Speculating future orders from wholesale clients to customize boxes and logos-waste of capital. 60% of the total online/phone orders were from existing customers. Online sales haven’t grown – orders processed within 3-4 days. Why ship internationaly(only 5%)—Antartica Really Summer problem at Sandwich heaven – why did staff leave? How to get new staff in this tight labour market. Marketing service – old fashioned — Undefined Target market? Packaging ? (tourists publicatins, seasonal print media and radio spots) How to increase awareness without diluting the brand. Leverage on solid search engine raankings to promote online sales Basic website, reminder service to customers-good/bad? Sales agents dint provide links to top accounts. Companies revenues had grown because of Sandwich heaven(franchising) High reliability on tourism. Corporate gift marketing – 25% discount – market was good – Explore boston ? ice cream sales Increase retail penetration? Acquire a niche chocolate company? What about the tradiotnal brand name? Internal capacity? Relocate factory? Background Charles produced high-quality, hand wrapped chocolates, Portland creams. Best quality, many loyal customers across the world. Huge factory(24000 sq foot)-owned-. Only 75 retail and 35 production employees, 20 in management. Working hours 7am-4pm(each day). – Leverage long shelf life Wholesale production required early planning and online sales required late production†¦ Production planning was completed by data distortions arising from out-of stock and over stock issues. – out of stock-over production – killed the pricing – by discount pricing. Special orders put the whole order on a stand still Retail stores provided 50% of sales. – Wholesale had 30% of sales – Charles is just used as an add on product. Online and phone – online 4% of total sales. –phone is 6% of total sales—60% of all these orders were from regular orders.. Avg sales $138 by phone and $91 from website†¦High growth industry†¦ Sandwich heaven – 10% of sales – Industry High demand for organic/dark chocolate- anti oxidant properties.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Baroque Music: Speech And Debate

Speech and Debate 8. October 2009 Baroque Music Hello, my name is and thank you for listening to my speech. Have you ever thought about how music got to the way it is today? Baroque music may seem boring or useless, but is a very important part of music history. Today I am going to talk about the basics of baroque music, the main instruments used during the baroque period, and the influences on baroque composers. So, to give you some background of baroque music, here are the six eras of music. As you can see, baroque is towards the middle, from 1600-1750. Baroque music is easily recognizable from different eras of music because of its distinct qualities. According to essentialsofmusic. com, the baroque era produced very dramatic music. In a baroque piece, there are many switches in dynamics, which means that the music would be soft then all of a sudden loud, or vice versa. This is because the instruments at the time weren’t capable of medium volume. There are also many switches between solos and ensembles, so there would be one person playing, then suddenly the whole group would join. According to baroque. com, baroque music was also very repetitive. The same rhythms were repeated multiple times throughout the piece. Also, the mood was kept the same throughout the piece. For example, when a song began sadly, it ended sadly. The instruments used in a piece of music have a lot of impact on the sound. There were many different types of instruments used during the baroque era. According to thinkquest. com, there were about thirteen main instruments used. The first three, the clavichord, harpsichord, and organ are keyboard-like instruments. The harpsichord is the most popular out of the three and is a factor that makes baroque music unique. The three main string instruments used were the violin, double bass, and lute. The violin was the most popular in the Baroque period whereas the lute and double bass were used more in the Renaissance. The three main wind instruments used were the bassoon, oboe, and flute. The trumpet, trombone, and horn were used in larger groups but not for solos. The only percussion, or drums, used was the timpani, which is a set of five drums that can be tuned to different notes. When a composer is writing music, they are influenced by the things going on around them in the world. During the baroque period, there were many major events occurring. According to Catherine Schmidt-Jones’ article â€Å"Music of the Baroque Period† on cnx. org, the Age of Reason was going on during the baroque period. This meant that many brilliant scientists like Galileo ad Henry Bacon were making discoveries. Also during the Age of Reason, churches had less power than they did in the Middle Ages or Renaissance. So, musicians didn’t rely on them as much to buy their music which led to more diverse and creative styles. According to eh. net, the Age of Crisis was also occurring during the baroque period. This consisted of a very long recession and a war between France, England, and several other small countries, which controlled two of Europe’s biggest economies. Now that you know more about baroque music, here are a few composers from this time. Bach is the one that will be familiar to most of you. Now I am going to play a selection of Baroque music. At the very beginning, you can hear the string instruments, mostly violin, playing very softly. If you listen closely you will hear the counterpoint as many different parts are played at the same time. Then, suddenly the music gets very loud and forceful but still keeps the same mood. The brass instruments are playing in the background but are not the main part. This song is called â€Å"Water Music† and is by George Frideric Handel. In closing, I hope that you can see that baroque music is an important part of musical history. The basics of baroque music, instruments used during the baroque period, and influences on baroque composers are all an important part of what makes up baroque music. So, the next time you hear some older music, instead of tuning it out, listen for the different parts of the piece. Thank you again for listening and I hope you enjoyed my speech.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev During the discussion, several articles were presented to the class. The subjects brought to light were the Russian economy during the 1850s, serfdom, and the question of whether Turgenev was obsolete or not. The articles on the Russian economy explained the state of transition the Russian economy was in during the mid-1850s. Prior to this period, there were members of the society called serfs. These were essentially slaves who worked on the fields of rich peasants, or the upper class.However, at this time Russia began to move away from serfdom. After this discussion, it would appear Turgenev places great importance on the time, place, and culture of his novel, as serfdom and the existence of social classes are a predominant feature in Fathers and Sons. I found this discussion interesting, as it clarified some aspects of the novel. For example, in Fathers and Sons, Nikolai is a relatively well off land owner, and he ‘owns’ many serfs.How ever, as the system begins to evolve, the serfs and their owners have some trouble adjusting to the new system of land ownership. The serfs are misbehaved and irresponsible, and these aspects of the culture and context form the setting of the novel. The article on the ‘Turgenev Question’ was interesting as well, because it highlighted some of Turgenev’s techniques, and what he’s famous for. According to the article, the art of Turgenev is in understatement: he manages to capture large philosophical, social, and historical movements as manifested in everyday life.This can indeed be seen in Fathers and Sons. Turgenev paints a picture of commonplace Russian life with characters like Nikolai Arkady, Pavel, Bazarov and Fenichka, using barely any overly dramatic devices. Yet, through the characters’ thoughts and interactions with each other Turgenev explores ideas such as familial relationships. Furthermore, he portrays other aspects of Russian life, incl uding the wide gap between social classes and the idea of young people rejecting all authorities.

Scholarly vs Popular Writing

Scholarly versus popular writing among accounting articles through various different resources. Researching the popular Wikipedia. com, an internet website and the Walden library to do a comparison of articles for credibility. Wikipedia. com is not a scholarly resource, on the basis that â€Å"Scholarly writing is usually confined to journals or textbooks, which are more difficult to find in the market place and are usually read by academics. † In an article by ProQuest (2001): â€Å"a publication is considered scholarly if it is authored by academics for a target audience that is mainly academic†, which would then seem to exclude from being a scholarly resource. In conclusion, I think it is safe to conclude that with the above mentioned points Wikipedia. com is not a scholarly resource. Wikipedis. com is also not a credible resource for the following reasons. One being that the site can be changed by anyone and that persons credentials can be unknown, irr elevant or nonexistent. The sources or references listed for which the information is based on can be invalid, lack relevance or reliability. A second reason would be what was written may not necessarily had been for academic or professional audiences.Because it is unclear how many other theories were exhausted from consideration, and ideas expressed could be based entirely on biased or opinion. Lastly I would say uncertainty of the accuracy of information provided. In example, dates can be out dated, erroneous, or not based on the facts. All the before mentioned are contributing factors to why I believe Wikipedia. com is not a credible resource. It is permissible to use a non-scholarly resources depending on the quality of the resource used and topic you’re researching.Should I ever be presented with the inability to find a peer reviewed article, I would retreat to the next best thing a highly respected trade publication. Like if I was writing about insurance I would use and accepted trade publication in the insurance industry. Although it might not be scholarly, or as quality as a scholarly article may be, they can sometimes be credible. A credible resource through the internet for the use in the field of management: http://mdpi. com/journal/jrfm. On this site you will find this journal on risk and financial management, which are both under the general umbrella of management.The site not only includes varying topics in management with peer reviewed articles based on in depth research but it also is based on theoretical concepts for academics with practical applications in mind. When determining if the resource I am using biased in its information or viewpoints I would have to ask the following questions. Can the writer benefit from expressing a particular viewpoint? Can the writer benefit by suppressing specific information? Is the information supported by other credible resources? Does the resource support a prejudice or a particular stereo type? Any of these could suggest a resource is biased.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Business Plan for Educational Website

Business Plan for Educational Website 1.0 Executive Summary Stay Clean, is a site that is based on Environmental Management Practices Education. It is owned and operated by me, Morrison Edwards. I am determined to ensuring that people live in an environment free of contaminations and appealing to live in. I am thus taking the initiative to educate people on how we can make our environment friendlier for habitation. The people are taught to carry out environmental practices once in a month. The activities involved in the practices are quite simple and are meant to encourage people on how the little changes they make in the initiative can make an enormous difference to the environment and their personal lives. The sources of revenue supporting the plan are from my personal savings from employment. I will be organizing with other affiliate companies and retailers to provide me with the products I will require in the process. Our benefits will be commission based from the sales of the products used in the environmental management practice. Financially the strategy is aimed at making profits, and of most concern will be minimizing expenses. A portion of the profits will be ploughed back into the business while the rest will be used for personal growth. I believe that it is a just course to keep our environment clean as much as the initiative is also a money creating opportunity. The cash flow into the action is a priority as well as the cash balance. In accomplishing my goals, the following areas are going to be of emphasis. The web content must be of the best quality and interactive to the users. The tips will be elaborate and engaging, inspiring and empowering so that the users will share the tips quickly enough to improve the use of the website. The project is aimed for gross profits in the future and so I will cut the current expenses to meet my current demands. The products that will be required in the process of the affiliate companies will have to be recommended on the website for buying by the people so that the profits gained from the commission will be used in the initiative. Since I do not intend to use more money in the expenses the online marketing plan will have to be perfectly effected to meet the expectations. 1.1 Mission The website is an educational platform meant to teach people on how to maintain the environment clean by performing cleanliness practices at least twice in one month. For the entire year. I am looking forward to enlightening people so that they become more environmentally conscious. In the process the affiliate institutions and retailers will have the opportunity to sell their products. The profits will be shared among all the member parties, the producing companies, the retailers and me. 1.2 Objectives of the Plan i) To conducting weekly environmental teaching sessions. Educate people on how their contribution in maintaining the environment will reduce environmental hazards or detrimental environmental impacts on the general popu lation. ii) At the end of the first year the website should have approximately 500 subscribers already signed up for the weekly tips on the environment. iii) The site must receive 10,000 customers monthly. iv) Profits will be evaluated within six months. v) The Profit will be redistributed to support the project and into personal savings. 1.3 Important Factors of success i) The Website content will have to be quality; the weekly tips will be elaborate and straightforward, friendly and inspiring. ii) The marketing of the site must be exquisite for maximum subscription iii) The expenses will remain flat to maximize profitability. iv) The products sold will be environmentally friendly and the buyers will have to be inspired so that the commissions care increased to make profits. 1.4 Summary of the Business The Stay Clean initiative is a small business website based in Marina and it is purposefully meant to enlighten the community on the effectiveness of cleanlines s to minimise the impacts of environmental hazards. The cleanliness initiatives training will be conducted twice a month as explained on the website. The teaching sessions are conducted online on the website or on weekly meetings for an individual attendance. The weekly audience subscription is free. The business will be making profits from commission received by the sale of products obtained from the Affiliate Company and retailers supplying the products to be used in the initiative. 1.5 Financial Plan I am looking forward to starting the initiative with a capital of 3000 dollars obtained from my personal savings. This will be used to come up with the website and in facilitating services of the Affiliate Company and retailers. The money will also be spent on the legal purposes and acquiring the computer equipment and in registering the computer domain for the name of the website. The remaining expenses will remain untouched until income generation begins. 1.6 Ownership of the Business Initiative The Stay Clean Business initiative is a sole proprietorship, a plan created and founded by (name). It is an enlightenment effort as well for personal growth The Products involved The business does not produce the required products on its own. I am marketing earthly friendly products recommended for cleaning and maintaining the environment. The products will be acquired from a company and retailers who will be paying the commission based on the sales of the products made. The company and the retailers are the affiliate parties. The goods thus will not be costly thus the cost of production is cut. The fulfillment and the inventory levels or the customer service. The only risk involved in the business is that the profit is commission based and only received in terms of percentage of the sales obtained from mobilization through the website organised weekly teaching sessions, and not from the entire sales. The recommended environmentally friendly products are: i) Products that can be reused. These are products that can be put back into use like lunch bags, batteries etc. ii) Supporting consumption of organic foods: vegetables, fruits, and snack meals. iii) Paper products that can be recycled. iv) Cloth diapers. v) Kitchen products: Cloth rags, towels etc. vi) Herbal medicines. vii) Low water usage: Shower heads, horse pipes and equipment that reduce water use. viii) Books on environmental friendliness. xi) Solar powered appliances and the tools and equipment running on solar. x) Music about environmental maintenance and friendliness. Market analysis Out target market is the general community especially the internauts or the technology survey who can access the internet in the age bracket of 18-55 years. This is the target group that can be used to make the environment better. The secondary market target are the students of age 12-22 who can have adequate time engaging in the environmental management practices. The retired people are also focused as they have more free time to attend the training sessions. 4.2 Target market Segment Strategy Since our primary aim is to live in an environmentally friendly atmosphere while also making profits, we have particular reason for the targeted market 1. The students – We engage them as they are technology survey and will pass the information faster to their associates, again they will embrace the initiative as they like clean surroundings 2. Adults – It is the largest market and the biggest target. They are the individuals who will be purchasing the products thus significant in revenue generation. 3. The retirees. They have more free time and resources to spend on initiatives that are environmentally friendly. 4.3 Industry Analysis The website is meant for educational reasons and since the educational sites are hardly available the completion is slim. The existing environmental sites deal with either giving news on the envir onment or other environmental topics not related to the latter. The website is an environmental friendly pro initiatives marketing products aimed at improving the environment from which the sales will receive the profits that is commission based. 4.4 Buying patterns Our focus is on enlightening people on the products they knew never existed and going by the friendliness in the adverts and inspiration, the customers will definitely chose us over other competitors as the information provided is simple and comprehensive but not overwhelming. Those who shall have adopted the information will just be buying the products and mostly will be introducing more people thus an increase in the product sales increasing out profits. The product finding process will be simplified so that they can easily be found in the Affiliate Company and retailers. (Software, 2017). References Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2015). Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Finch, B. (2016). How to write a business plan. Kogan Page Publishers. Hollensen, S. (2015). Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach. Pearson Education. Huynh, M., Appell, R., & Stetkiewicz, M. (2014). Process mapping. Software, P. A. (n.d.). Educational Website Business Plan. Retrieved February 21, 2017, from

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

How Might Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on an Organisation Term Paper

How Might Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on an Organisation - Term Paper Example Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsible relationship borne by business entities towards their stakeholders, community, and the environment. The stakeholders include customers, suppliers, employees, investors, and the communities. CSR is the realization of business contributions to sustainable development goals (World Bank, 2007), through the alignment of business operations with social values (Coors and Winegarden, 2005). Broadly, CSR can be measured by its contribution to society through its core business activity, social investment, and philanthropic activities. In business parlance, CSR is often termed as Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Social Responsibility emerged as a field of management studies in the 1950s (Banerjee, 2007). It is increasingly being accorded importance worldwide. CSR is important because an enterprise uses public money and survives on public money. As such, it has to invest a measure of its profits in the public. This investment in physical infrast ructure and social capital has become a necessary part of doing business. CSR promotes fairness and justice in society. Corporate Social Responsibility promotes sustainable development by bearing greater accountability towards issues of environmental and societal importance. CSR has come to be adopted as a sound business practice for small and large organizations. A company’s social responsibility and the activities carried out thereof are well-documented in the CSR reports that are often released along with Annual Reports. Nourick and OECD (2001) point out that socially responsible behavior is not limited to multinational organization alone, but is as relevant to SMEs (Nourick and OECD, 2001). Corporate Social Responsibility is different from other philanthropic activities like charity, making donations, employee welfare, etc. Corporate Social Responsibility far transcends the traditional methods of doling out donations and making charities used to carry a more public savvy image.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Accounting for non-profit company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Accounting for non-profit company - Essay Example Rotary International is a not-for-profit organization that was founded on February 23, 1905 by the Chicago attorney, Paul P. Harris. The Rotary Club of Chicago provided a platform where diverse professionals would exchange ideas, forming meaningful and lifelong relationships. The name, â€Å"Rotary† came from the fact that earlier members used to rotate in each others’ offices for meetings. With its growth, Rotary International aimed at bringing together professional and business leaders so as to render humanitarian services, promote utmost ethical standards in various vocations and foster global goodwill and peace, this being in line with its motto of â€Å"Service above self.† In its structure are Rotary clubs, Rotary International and Rotary Foundation. This paper focuses on the Rotary International, RI which is the umbrella body supporting Rotary clubs across the globe and coordinates global campaigns, programs and initiatives. The mission of RI is to â€Å" provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders† (Rotary International, 2014). It is therefore a model of a charitable organization seeking to promote social interests in various communities around the world. RI has its world headquarters based in Evanston, IL in the US. It has international offices in Zurich, New Delhi, Tokyo, Yongdungpo-gu, Parramatta, Sà £o Paulo and Buenos Aires serving Europe/Africa, South Asia, Japan, Korea, South Pacific and Philippines, Brazil and Southern South America regions respectively. They also have offices in Great Britain and Ireland. Through this network, Rotary International, RI (2014) documents a current membership of 1.2 million people. These regions contribute towards the total donation income of RI. The presidency is the topmost position in RI. According to RI (2014), the president leads and motivates the members, ensuring they feel